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Philippines US Consulate Reviews

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Philippines US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
2640 Review(s)
Manila, Philippines
Review #268 on November 26, 2005:



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Review Topic: Other Experience

Got another letter from the embassy dated Nov.3,2005...for the re evaluation of medical examination of the K2 applicant. St. Luke's directly submitted the re-evalution, dated Nov.20,2005...

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Manila, Philippines
Review #135 on September 4, 2005:



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Review Topic: General Review

I came for my interview prepared and thinking that I will get an instant approval for my k3 visa. I was wrong. My case was put on admin. review like most of other applicants. At first, I was very upset about it, but then after hearing other applicants' experiences, I felt better because at least I was treated a whole lot better than they are. The consulate is very strict and always go by the book when it comes to issueing visas to filipinos. It sends red flag if an applicant has money on the bank and single and applying for a tourist visa, "potential over-staying alien", if the applicant hardly speaks english, came from a far-flung village and is marrying an old USC, "mail-order bride, if she speaks a little english, and worked as a GRO in the red light district, "marriage for convenience". Sadly, but these happen, not to mention arranged marriages, one relative living in US would find a guy for her niece or sister to marry and pay the guy once she comes here. I cannot really blame ... read complete review

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Manila, Philippines
Review #112 on August 30, 2005:




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Review Topic: General Review

The problem with the consular section at the U.S. Embassy in Manila is that it is very inconsistent. Sure, Manila may be a high fraud post and a very busy consulate, but that's no excuse to disrespect the applicant or American Citizen petitioner. From experiences of others, the embassy seems to be much tougher on applicants that have married in the Philippines than ones applying for a K1. Although some K1s go through Admionistrative Review, CR-1 applicants seem to have a 50/50 chance of being placed on AR.

We were married in July of 2004 in the Philippines. This is the first marriage for both of us. We're doing a CR-1 visa. Getting the Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage at the embassy was a breeze. That took only about 45 minutes, where I had to swear that I was single and could legally marry. That is a requirement of a foreigner to submit with the marriage license application.

The problems started with the embassy when my wife was in... read complete review

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Manila, Philippines
Review #23 on August 28, 2005:



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Review Topic: General Review

The staff at the embassy were effecient and did their job. Just make sure you follow their instructions and if you have any documents that need to be translated you get them done before the interview. Claudeth and I forgot about the German police report translation and once she got the translation done she turned it into the wrong window so we sat for a month before the visa was issues.

Manilla is spelled incorrectly, it should be Manila.

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Manila, Philippines
Review #41 on March 23, 2005:



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Review Topic: General Review

I've dealt with the Manila Consular staff several times over the last 7 years. I've had good experiences and bad ones there. One of the problems with the Philippines is that there is so much fraud and deception going on over there on a daily basis that it's hard to be there any real length of time and not be a bit jaded. I think this is the reason there seems to be a presumption of guilt in the attitude of most of the folks at the Consulate there. To be real honest, they do have to deal with a lot more fraud than most parts of the world. I've personally seen Americans die over there and the Filipino family try and keep it quiet so that the Sosial Security keeps on arriving, Retired Military Healthcare Scams, travel agents in the PI selling visas (especially to Great Britain), married bar girls conning their American "Honey Ko's" into K-1 visa applications, almost anything you can imagine happens in the Philippines. Birth certificates can be easily purchased and Filipinos rarely are kno... read complete review

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