Peru US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1
/ 5
246 Review(s)
Peru | Review #19009 on February 26, 2016: |
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
There isn't anything I can say any different then those who reviewed previously. Except the aftermath. The interview was easy and no problems. Visa approved and then issued the following day. However we never recieved dhl notification. We went circles between the embassy and csc and dhl. Each blaming the other. We were told the passport was sent, however, no one could tell us where it was or give us a tracking number. Many calls, emails, and tears later. My husband randomly called his local dhl office and the passport had arrived this morning. About an hour after be picked it up, I got the long awaited email from the embassy with the tracking number! How does that happen! So painfully frustrating!! Although his passport is in hand, even the dhl central office for days had no record of him. Just as a warning, stay on top of it. Keep on them, they make mistakes too.
Peru | Review #18986 on February 23, 2016: |
· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing
I feel that in the consulate reviews, there aren’t a lot of reviews of the actual I-130 DCF submission, so I decided to let you all know how it went for me today.
I arrived at the embassy around 8:00am. The USCIS office didn’t open until 9:00am and there is no appointment you can make, so that’s why I arrived a little early. I spoke to the guard to see in which line I needed to wait. He instructed me a line that already had about 20 people waiting. The majority of people were waiting to renew their Green Card. But then I explained that I currently work for the U.S. Peace Corps in Peru so a staff member from our office emailed them the day before to let the guard know that I would be coming. He saw my name on the list and let me in, even though it was only 8:30am and the office didn’t open for another 30 minutes.
NOTE: I had a purse about the size of a computer sheet of paper but I was not allowed to enter. I had to leave it at the “purse check” area... read complete review
Peru | Review #18895 on February 5, 2016: |
· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Hola, escribo en español porque estoy segura que la información será de utilidad de todas maneras.
Tuve mi entrevista el Feb 04, 2016.
Llegué 1045 a la Embajada y busqué la asistencia de un promotor para consultarle por la fila para Visa de Inmigrantes, procedió a tomar nota de mi nombre y en la parte posterior de my Interview Letter anotó un número y me envió a formar parte de una fila más corta.
Procedí a ingresar en menos de 5 minutos. Siguiendo todos los controles ingresé al salon de entrevistas donde un nuevo promotor solicitó my Interview Letter y lo entregó a la ventanilla #12, donde al cabo de 5 minutos me llamaron para entregar los originales de mis documentos civiles, el sobre sellado del examen médico y tomaron mis huellas biométricas. Después de ello, solo quedaba esperar a que me volvieran a llamar. Aproximadamente 1 hora y media mas tarde me llamaron a la ventanilla #15(en realidad es un privado).
La CO me preguntó si habla... read complete review
Peru | Review #18572 on December 15, 2015: |
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
Rating only
Peru | Review #16910 on May 25, 2015: |
· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
We had our interview on May 12, we arrived at 7 am and there was a short line outside the embassy for everyone and we waited a short maybe 20 min before they moved the line into the staging area before going to the first window at the embassy.
When its your turn in line you go up with your passport, your ds160 and your appointment letter, They gave to us a card based on what interview we had i think ours were purple, (i did attend with my fiance) after that you move to a different line to go through security. DO NOT BRING PHONES OR BAGS TO EMBASSY AT ALL I REPEAT DO NOT BRING ANY PHONES OR BAGS TO EMBASSY THEY DO NOT HOLD THEM FOR YOU AND YOU CAN NOT BRING THEM INTO THE EMBASSY WITH YOU SO PLEASE DONT BRING YOU PHONES OR ANYTHING JUST YOUR PAPERS.
Luckily for us we knew someone at the embassy that held our phones in his car until we finished, 4 hours later lol.
When we get through security we go straight back and go into a waiting area where ther... read complete review
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