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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews

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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
593 Review(s)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #8282 on September 11, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #8154 on August 20, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Great experience. My Fiance'e told me that she didnt wait long, and was called to submit fee & what not. Soon afterwards, she got called to counter for interview. The officer was polite and very nice + bilingual, so was also able to talk in Urdu

Anyway, overall great experience !

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #8131 on August 17, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #8008 on July 27, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband had his interview June 15th. They did question him for quite some time about our relationship, my work, my ex, my children, the reason for me converting to islam, whether or not I was on his facebook and asked to show the CO his Facebook account. There are too many questions for me to put on here.

In the end, he of course had AP...and we had to submit another document to verify my household.

After 6 weeks on AP I got a call on Monday June 25 from the same CO that interviewed my husband. He basically did a phone interview asking me about 15 questions.

In the end he said while he can't technically say we are approved he can tell me that we have nothing to worry about with our case and now they can do one last check on my husband which is namecheck... I asked him how that worked if it ws similar to our banking check for new customers where we put in name and if all is fine we open account but if it has a hit we put a little more det... read complete review

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #7987 on July 23, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

hi and salam to all vjers my interview date is july-20-2011 1st i have very very good interview experince with consular officer male consular officer is a very very nice guy he give me very very tough time and ask me 25 question and (alhumdullaha) i give every single answer correct and consular officer try to cofused me with cross questioning but alhumdullaha i never confused and give every single answer with smile face and confident during my interview with consular officer every time i smile and laugh always remember and bear in mind never mind if you are in bad and difficult position durning your interview with consular officer dont make any bad or confused face immpression in front of the consular officer and dont show that you are so confused and nerveous because this things affect your visa case status allways smile so here is my question answerwith consular officer

Q1 who is calling you
answer my wife

Q2 who is your cosponsor
answer ... read complete review

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