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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews

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Pakistan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
593 Review(s)
Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #9006 on January 13, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Be prepared when you go to Islamabad!
Make sure all the required documents are with you.
Evidence of meeting each other
Questions are very straight forward.
American interviewer is very polite.

Unfortunately, due to being Pakistani and nature of things, very often K1 applicants may face AP. Don't get discouraged. It's routine. Embassy will keep your passport and provide you with additional steps.

All the best

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #8962 on January 5, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview held at 15december 2011,they approved my visa and kept my and my son passports they said me after 10 days u will get ur passports and visa packets but still i not got it i am so much worry why its taking so long time any body can guide me forthat...

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #8961 on January 5, 2012:




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Review Topic: General Review

Got to shuttle bus at 7am. Arrived at embassy around 745am. Went in, hand finger prints, they collected passport, medical forms, and directed towards waiting hall. Few minutes later a nice American lady CO called to window. Asked 3-4 questions (who is sponsoring you, how long have you been married, was it arranged and by whom, may I see photos). Then said congrats, your passport/visa will be available for pick up in 10 days. It was very cold in december. Remember to wear warm clothes.

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #8921 on December 22, 2011:

S & S

S & S


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband arrived at the embassy at exactly 7:50 am. He was quickly ushered in, went through security and such. He got his fingerprints done - all ten fingers. Afterwards he met with a woman who asked for his interview letter, medical reports and passport. She applied a purple/maroonish/burgundy sticker to his passport and gave him the token piece (which is for picking up the passport once its been issued). She then gave him a long blue/green letter which basically stated that "We have suspended the adjudication of your visa to conduct administrative processing." He was asked to take a seat and a CO would call him for an interview soon.

After about two minute after my husband took a seat he was called in for an interview. The CO was an older american man. He greeted my husband and asked the following:

Q. Who is calling you to america?
A. My wife
Q. When did you get married?
A. he gave our wedding date
Q. How long have you a... read complete review

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Islamabad, Pakistan
Review #8919 on December 22, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hello all VJers!

As I pack my bags to prepare for POE (JFK in my case) I couldn't help to take some time and share some highlights from my K-1 journey so far.

Before I delve into details I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all you wonderful people on this forum who've enlightened me at various times on a myriad of issues/queries viz a viz K-1.

I'm 29 Male Muslim from Pakistan and got interviewed in Islamabad. My interview lasted for 5 minutes (not even). The CO was a young African American lady.

She asked me the following questions:

Who is your petitioner?

Who did you guys meet?

How long have you known her?

When did you get engaged?

Do you have pictures?

Do you give her gifts?

When is the wedding?

I answered all the above and showed our engagement album and said, "Congrats, you're approved. You will ... read complete review

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