Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5
/ 5
778 Review(s)
Nigeria | Review #9742 on May 29, 2012: |

· 10 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
(Background: I am Nigerian-American, born and raised here in the states. I've traveled back and forth to Nigeria to see my dad's family several times. My fiance is Nigerian).
Our first Lagos experience was awful. My fiancé arrived for his interview yesterday, February 13th, 2012 with 3lbs of documentation: his K-1 visa forms, evidence of financial support, and most importantly, a large and bulky folder filled with evidence proving the authenticity of our relationship. Bulky yes, but neatly arranged and ordered too.
However, the officer refused to view the entire contents of our Evidence of Personal Relationship folder during the extremely short interview and, after requesting that my fiancé only pass her our photos together (Sept. 2009-March 2010; August 2011-September 2011) and extensive phone records detailing calls made several times a day, every day from May 2010-February 2012, she denied him a visa due to “lack of evidence.” She didn't ask him... read complete review
Nigeria | Review #9697 on May 19, 2012: |

· 4 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
I got my Packet 4(interview date) in my mail. Was also asked to print out a copy of the email to present at the gate. Sent an email to the Lagos Consulate two days to the interview to confirm my appointment and got a reply confirming my date. Interview time was 7am. So, arrived at the consulate approximately 6:33am. Two long queues were formed, one for immigrant visas and the second, for non-immigrant visas. After about 35 minutes, we were called in to the first check post just inside the first gate. There we were asked to present our appointment letters and international passports and also to unseal our medical reports. After my name was confirmed on the appointment list, I was handed a pay slip for visa payment and ushered to a temporary waiting area still the consulate but within the compound. From there we went in a single file through the first security check and into the consulate building where we also went through a second security check. I was asked to pick a pink paper from t... read complete review
Nigeria | Review #9653 on May 10, 2012: |

· 5 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
My husband was intially asked where we met? There was a discrepancy in what he said and what was documented during his tourist visa interview. That was cleared. Then he was asked why we sent sexually explicit chat to NVC, DHS, the US Gov't...(I sent the entire 1st month of our chat and 1 excerpt from the following months. I did not remove anything from the 1st month because I did not want any accusations about why days were missing.) My husband says the guy asked this 10 different ways and was really aggravated by it. My husband explained to him that had we excluded chats would they not have questioned that as well? The CO asked him who was giving the interview him or my husband? He had my husband read the chat aloud for all to hear. My husband was extremely embarassed by this.
He was told that he did not need to ask any additional questions, because all the evidence I sent substained an approval.
They had to find something to harp about and attempt to ... read complete review
Nigeria | Review #9637 on May 8, 2012: |
Mr. and Mrs E

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
(updated on May 9, 2012)
Nigeria | Review #9534 on April 23, 2012: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
the interview was easy. Long wait, but the interview was easy. Knowing the answers to all questions and having proper documentation that is required was key.
the interview only lasted 10-15 mins. The woman who conducted the interview was nice and wished us luck. The visa was ready approx 1 week later on the date that was given.
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