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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews

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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
194 Review(s)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #33279 on July 3, 2024:

Nous Eb


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I was there early and wasn't allowed in yet. When I was about half an hour later I had to wait for everyone who was already there. Apparently your appointment time is not really your appointment time, it's your "from time" lol. I had to wait about an hour there and listen to all the other interviews before it was my turn. I found that to be nice, it took away all my nerves and I noticed I was more than prepared. People were very nice, great experience. I was approved pending my medical that they hadn't received yet, but took my documents and passport and a week later my status was changed to approved and my passport arrived with my visa.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #33205 on May 22, 2024:

The Verpangas

The Verpangas


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Very basic questions. The only thing that got tricky is that the guy didn't agree my father's birth certificate was his actual birth certificate. Apparently the title 'birth certificate' wasn't written on those documents back in the 50's. He was asking for the international birth register extract document (the one that has multiple languages). I explained that the document he was referring to was not the actual birth certificate and the document I had provided was. After some back and forth he finally checked with the people in the back and it was fine.

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #33203 on May 21, 2024:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Questions asked:
How did you meet your fiancé
When was the last time you saw them
Where will you live in USA
What does your fiancée do for a living
Have you met your fiancés family
Are you planning to live in USA long term
What do you want to do for a job

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #33062 on March 20, 2024:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Positive experience. Everyone was very helpful and efficient. The Embassy collected our documents and then we proceeded with the interview for ~10 minutes where she asked 5 simple questions like "What do you do?", "Where will you live in the US?", "How did you meet?". There was no difficult questioning or interrogation. We have been together for 6 years, and had been living together when I was on a work visa in the US, so I had a previous US visa and a social security, which may have helped the process.

We had a police certificate from a country that coordinates and sends directly to the embassy prior to the interview but the embassy did not have it on hand during the interview. Because of this, we were issued a 221g for missing this police certificate. We thought this would cause a delay but the embassy was able to locate the documents 20 minutes after the interview and our case was approved shortly after on the same day. Visa was issued exactly 1 week from interview da... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #32969 on February 20, 2024:



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Review Topic: General Review

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