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Morocco US Consulate Reviews

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Morocco US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 2.9 / 5
456 Review(s)
Review #93 on March 20, 2005:



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Review Topic: General Review

Although it's small, security is way tight and a bit intimidating. There is a long line to get through the barriers, but if you are American, just show your passport and they will let you through. You have to submit your passport to the window outside before they will allow you inside. They will give you a form to fill out that states your purpose for visiting . Once inside, you pass through the security. You cannot leave the security area until you mark the purpose of your visit on the form or they say so. It's confusing too, because there are no signs to say Immigration/ACS/Non-Immigration once you leave the security area and enter into the next building. When you get through the big doors in the next building, you are faced with the Cashier( I guess they want you to pay first? :blush: ). I got all turned around and had to ask the Cashier where to go. Once inside at the ACS window, they kept me standing for several minutes before the person came to the window. T... read complete review

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