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Mexico US Consulate Reviews

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Mexico US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.7 / 5
575 Review(s)
Juarez, Mexico
Review #13023 on October 16, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My overall experience in Juarez goes beyond all my past expectations in a positive way, everything I planned was well worth it and even useless at some point, Juarez people are very lovely to bad all the bad rep they are getting, I travel from Tijuana to Juarez by car with no problem what so ever, roads are very safe and the city in general seems Ok, so moving on, I used trip adviser and Google map to pick my hotel and places to hang out javascript:emoticon('') I decided to stay at the IBIS Hotel but really most hotels seems good enough, the price was right though, right below 50 dollars, the medical exams just like everything else is treated like a national security secret so no point in trying to dig into it, I apply for for a K-1 so i didnt need vaccinations and got my results right away, word of advice? if you ever been in problems with the law, have tattoos or drug abuse make yourself available at least two days before your visa appointment, it seems useless t... read complete review

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #12996 on October 12, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #12945 on October 4, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband had his interview on Thursday, September 5th in Ciudad Juarez and he said everyone was really nice and helpful there. He flew in on Monday and went for his medical on Tuesday, picked up results on Wednesday and went to ASC same day and had his interview on Thursday. He stayed at Ibis hotel and said everything was clean and all appointments were within walking distance from the hotel. He said overall it was a great experience.

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #12933 on October 3, 2013:

domingo y bianca

Domingo y bianca


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We got to Ciudad Juarez Saturday 28 september 2013, we had a reservation in Ibis nice hotel and clean, but the food is nasty and expensive but the best decision because is the closest one to asc, medical and consulate. If you get thirsty in the night or hungry theres a store extra (7-eleven type) 24 hrs very safe with securitys from the clincs and hotel with a lot of lights in the street. We spend most of the the time in plaza pas misiones its a mall we just walk around and ate to waste time.

Monday: we went to get my wife medical exam woked up at 5 am and got in the line at 5:55am they open at 6am, there was a few people already and it never got full like other people said it was Servicios Medicos Consulares. I went inside with her show paperwork: passport, interview letter p4, ds-260 confirmation. they gave her a number and sent me to the cafeteria aka sala de espera. she filled a paper sit down and wait for her number and then medical exam starts, make sure to not be... read complete review

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Juarez, Mexico
Review #12915 on October 1, 2013:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

we got there on Monday..
(instead of paying 300pesos for a taxi to the hotel from the airport we just walked outside of the airport got a blue bus to Costco crossed the street and got a green bus that took us in front of the consulate area..and we only paid 24pesos)
We stayed at Ibis hotel...ate at Dennys and went to the mall across the street.

On Tuesday we woke up at 4:30am...so we could get to the clinic early..I had to wait in a tent behind the clinic for like 3hours in the cold...after that we went back to sleep then went to eat in the Nicole Plaza in front of the clinics (the food there is much more expensive and not good at all compared to the other places nearby..so its better to cross the street and go to the food court in the mall) we went to the mall again to kill time...got the results at 2pm and went back to the hotel...

On Wed. we ate at the food court and then to the ASC appt at 2..don´t got more than 15mins e... read complete review

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