Mali Republic US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3
/ 5
3 Review(s)
Senegal | Review #18576 on December 16, 2015: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Dakar, Senegal, just like the Malian embassy in Bamako (that does not process CR or IR visas) will respond overnight to tell you what they can not do for you, American citizen, but when you are right, they are no where to be found. Watch every application on ceac in this range... DKR2015559000 to DKR2015559015. Every one goes into AP. In our own case Dakar decided they needed to see (illegal to obtain in Mali) civil divorce certificate for a religious marriage contracted prior to 2011 - recorded in error by a third party renewing his visa. Totally disclosed at application error on his prior O visa, before he met me. They never asked for a "marriage certificate" (it was not a civil marriage), no issues USCIS/NVC but now some not so bright Dakar CO is asking for an illegal to obtain divorce certificate? Three step warnings for Mali in the last week, and the fact that I am leaving tomorrow, my only question is "how can Dakar can ask for illegal to obtain" documents and refuse to see wh... read complete review
Senegal | Review #11946 on May 9, 2013: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
I did not get the chance to attend the interview with my fiance, she told me that It was quite scary because most of the people that went before were denied.
She was there by 7:30 for an 8:30 Appointment. She requested to talk in her local dialect but she was told that the translator was not there and had to do it in French.
The consulate ask her date of birth,my age, the relation between us, the type of job and what is my position, the state and the city where i live,whether each one of us was married before and how many kids.
And that was it, they told her to come back on Tuesday 14 May to pickup her visa.javascript:emoticon(' ')
Senegal | Review #10425 on September 16, 2012: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
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