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Laos US Consulate Reviews

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Laos US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
35 Review(s)
Review #11443 on February 8, 2013:



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Review Topic: General Review

I'm submitting this review on behalf of my fiance, Nai Vang, who had his K1 visa interview on Thursday, February 7th 2013. He shared that overall it was a non-intimidating, easy experience despite us being nervous for several weeks.

He showed up at the Embassy in Vientiane at approximately 7:40 a.m. He waited about 10-15 minutes before they called him into the Embassy for check-in. There was a big group of people for visitors visas. There was only 3 who were going for their K1 visa which included my fiance. They were the last ones to be interviewed after the group of 20 visitors visas.

At about 11:00 a.m., they called Nai to be fingerprinted and pay the $240 visa fee. Then the interview began. He had a Hmong interpreter even though he also knew how to speak Lao.

These were the questions that the CO asked:

Where did we meet and how did we meet?
Was it him who approached me or did I approach him first?
How long did we know each other before the engagement ceremony?
After I left Laos to go back home, did I contact him at all, and if so, through what means? emails? phonecalls? Skype?
Did he have any relatives in the U.S.?
Did we know each other before our initial encounter?
Do I have any kids, if so, how many?
What are my kids' ages?
Does he know the name of my ex-boyfriend (the father of my two boys)?
Did Nai know the ex-boyfriend too?
Where does the ex-boyfriend live (which country)?
Do I and the ex-boyfriend still keep in contact with each other?
What is my job?
What does he like about me? (He placed his hands over his chest and smiled: he said that he liked my body and my heart--the CO and interpreter laughed)
Who was present at our engagement ceremony?
Who did I travel to Laos with?
Then they held up two pictures that we took together in Luang Prabang and asked him to identify the location.

Afterwards, the CO and interpreter talked to each other briefly. They reviewed the emails, his family book, ID, and Moneygram slips. Nai said that the CO mentioned to the interpreter that "His fiancee must really love him a lot."
Then they asked for his passport, looked at the calendar, and wrote on the white slip of paper of the date when he can return to pick up his visa which was February 13th. :-D

That was it! Nai shared that the other two Laotian women (1 was young and the other one had a child) did not pass and was given the 221g slip. He was the last one to go out of the three of them.

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Review #10599 on October 11, 2012:

Ge and Mayyong

Ge and Mayyong


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

10/11/2012 example questions was
Who is your fiance?
Where does he work?
What does he do at work?
Are your mothers related (both had same last name)?
They weren't satisfied so they asked if my Fiancee had relatives in the states. Which they do, they asked her who they were. She didn't and doesn't know, her mother was there with her. CO asked her mother? All the names of her relatives here.
Asked if she met my mother, she forgot she did a long time ago.

Results was a 221g requesting a letter of employment, all 4 years of transcript were supplied as to current pay stubs. Will have to see if employer will provide one, I know that I can't even disclose where I work base in their employee book. Also bank statements submitted, they are sure picky. Interview took place after lunch which tends to be harder. Right before lunch, my fiancee said they were approving people regardless of lack of evidence or such.

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Review #9726 on May 26, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancee arrived at the US Embassy in Vientiane, Laos at approx 745am. Went inside and waited for her name to be called. Paid the interview fee of $240. Waited some more and then called her name for the interview. The female consular officer asked her a series of questions:

How did you meet?
When was the last time you saw your fiance?
How many children does your fiance have and what are their ages?
Where does your fiance live?
Where does your fiance work?
What does your fiance do for a living?
How many times has your fiance been married?
Where does your father work?

After that, the officer asked her if she spoke English. When she said yes, the officer spoke with her for about 5 minutes in english. Interesting that the officer did not ask her if I spoke Lao language which I do. She looked at all the evidence that was presented and gave my fiancee a 221g worksheet for me to complete.

After two weeks, we resubmitted the required evidence and we were approved woohoo! The workers and the consular officer were very professional and very nice.

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Review #8732 on November 19, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We went super early like 0600 something, consulate didn't open till 0740ish am...our supposed appointment was at 0800

We went in turn in our papers at the window (we had everything in binders & clear plastic folders, which they told us to take out of)

Waited around 45min or so, then the cashier came to the window & we paid her fee

Waited around another 20min or so, then cashier/co came back w/ our papers to ask where my employment paper was at (told her the military told me they dont do employment letters & that they told me my contract & military ID should be enough), she checked it off in her checklist.

Waited around another 30min, while I think 2 spousal visas went (i think both failed, since i overheard something about their kids papers not being fully completed or w/e).

Then came our turn (ironically they called my name instead of hers, so we got a lil confused at 1st, but they then called her name a few seconds later).

We both showed up to window 7, was a I think chinese CO (very good english) and a hmong translator. CO was happy/surprised that I was there too, but told me to go back & sit down while they interview her & if they need to ask me anything they'll call me.

She was asked:

-How we met?
-What we talked about/did when we met?
-Asked what my job was?
-Asked her what branch I was in? she didn't know
-Asked her if I was ever deployed? she didn't know
-pointed to a picture inside Patuxai & asked if we met there? trap question
-she was askd if she had any questions? no

In all everything took less then 5minutes...then I was called back over & asked if I had any questions (NO), the hmong translator was already gone. CO told us we passed & wrote pickup time on white slip & told us to pickup visa per say white slip time. CO told fiance have a HAPPY LIFE IN AMERICA =D.

We were so happy we forgot about our cellphones until we were already at our hotel, we changed & came back to get it & a victory lunch at thangong =D

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Review #8469 on October 6, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

- Interview:
He had a Hmong interpreter. There were two CO there that day, a female and a male. He said the male CO is friendly and only asked like 4 questions then either approves or request for more stuff or denies. the female CO (the one he had) isn't as friendly and asks a lot of questions. He was asked 14 questions and was able to answer 13 of them. The CO also kept asking him if we were introduced to each other, implying that we weren't legit. We weren't denied or approved but got a 221(g), requesting for more information. After which we would be given a decision or possibly put on adminitrated processing.

He also said there were two other K1 there that day and they didn't get approved right away either. One needed police certificate and the other had to have her petitioner rewrite a more detail explanation to how they met.

- Quesitons from Interview:
Where I work
When we meet
Where meet
With whom when met
What do I do in America
What do I do on my free time
Who I live with
When did we get engaged
Are our parents related (my mom and him has the same last name)
Who introduced us
Does he have relatives in America and their addresses
What school did I go to (he didn't know this one)
Where do I work
Was I taken to his house to see his house and family

*questions ask to the other two K1*
What will you do during the summer in America
How old is your fiance
What are the ages and name of your fiance’s kids

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