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India US Consulate Reviews

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India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
943 Review(s)
Review #22664 on October 12, 2017:




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Mumbai, India
Review #22567 on September 28, 2017:




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Mumbai, India
Review #22488 on September 13, 2017:




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Review Topic: FB-4

Our interview was in the last week of July 2017.

Our interview was at 8:30 AM, we got to the consulate around 7:15ish. There was a big line. When we mentioned we are here for immigrant visa interview, they let us in immediately.

When reached inside the building, my dad (primary beneficiary) had to stand in line to get a token number for our family. Me and my mom (derivative beneficiaries) took a seat and started arranging our documents as per recommended by the consulate staff. There is only 1 token number per family. As far as I remember, they asked for the following documents (and their copies) to be ready:

-Visa interview letter (P4)
-Medical report (in sealed envelope as given by the hospital)
-Birth Certificate
-DS 260 confirmation page (which was stamped during the fingerprinting - VAC appointment)
-Marriage certificate (for my parents)

My dad joined us after he ... read complete review

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New Delhi, India
Review #22466 on September 8, 2017:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance arrived at 7:45 am for his 8:00 am appointment. He called around 12:30 pm to tell me the good news. He said the interviewer asked him about 10 questions:
How did you meet your fiance? (a Catholic dating site)
Are you both Catholic? (he seemed satisfied that we are both Catholic and practicing our faith)
How many times has she traveled to see you? For how long?
When is the last time she came?
When is the wedding? Where?
Who will be the minister for the wedding? (He seemed happy to hear that my fiance knew his name)
Do you have a color photo? (He didn't; he printed the pictures out in b/w but the officer didn't mind, he looked at what was brought)
The officer took the financial information and I-134 but nothing else.

Then he finished with, "Congratulations, your visa is approved!" javascript:emoticon('') He also told my fiance that the visa should be ready for pick-up in about a week.

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Mumbai, India
Review #22435 on September 1, 2017:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Our appointment was for 7:30 AM. We arrived at consulate by around 6:45 am and there were a ton of people standing across the street. At 7 am, the security guards allowed us to queue in front of the embassy. I would highly recommend that you come early and try to get in the front of the queue (esp. if you have a 7:30 am appointment, which is I believe the first possible appointment); tokens are handed out in the order of people waiting in line and it dramatically reduces your waiting time if you are able to get one of the first tokens.

Anyways, ~7:15 am, they allowed us into the embassy, we passed through security and into an outside waiting area where we were able to sit down. (Side note: do not bring your cell phones or any sort of backpacks, they will not allow them into the embassy). Three Indian staff members walked through the line and made us take out/arrange the following documents --

1) DS-260 confirmation
2) Interview appointment letter.... read complete review

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