India US Consulate Reviews
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943 Review(s)
New Delhi, India | Review #8298 on September 13, 2011: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
I am writing this because I owe a large part of my success in my Visa Journey to this website. I am the petitioner to my fiancé who interviewed in New Delhi on September 12, 2011.
I attribute my success, in large part, to the adequate research and a cohesive presentation. I would highly advise anyone trying to get a K1 Visa to conduct an extensive research, both generally on K1 Visa process as well as their specific embassy. Once you understand the process and the documentation requirements, I would recommend that you put together a very clean file(s) that focus on the different aspects of the petition. For example, I submitted five files that I titled “Packet Three/Four Forms”, “Proof of Relationship”, “Proof of Trips to see the fiancé”, “Letter from related parties”, “Misc. Forms”. Each of them had a table of contents and each item that was in the packet was appropriately tabbed 1, 2, 3 etc.
The most important aspects of the documentation are the ... read complete review
New Delhi, India | Review #8290 on September 12, 2011: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My interview was at 8:15 AM. I was inside the embassy at 8:32 AM, a lady gave me the token and guided me to a window for finger prints. After give my finger prints which took around 10 minutes I was asked to wait for the interview. After waiting for around 1:30 hrs an Indian lady called me - she basically verified all the document and asked to deposit the visa fee. After waiting for another 5 minutes I was called for the interview. The CO was really nice and asked me the following questions:
1) How did you guys met
2) When did you get engaged
3) When did officially starting to date
4) Where does you parents live and why are we having the wedding in the US
The whole interview lasted for not more than 2 minutes and he said that everything looks good and that the visa is approved.
Chennai, India | Review #8228 on September 1, 2011: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Hi folks, I'm quite happy it's finally ended and ended well! My interview was scheduled at 1pm on the 29th August. I reached 40 min before time as I was caught up right in the middle of a protest thereby halting the traffic in chennai. To my surprise there was no queue at all! They admitted my inside right away, I should say the security have to take their jobs seriously, they literally took 15 mins to let me through; the reason wasn't strenuous checks, they were happily chit chatting and laughing. After I went in, I was shown way to a room in the adjacent building where 14 other applicants were waiting. After waiting for an hour and half, I was called for the prescreening. An old tamil chap asked for my applications, I134's, medical reports, pcc's etc. I have a PCC from the local passport office but my PCC from the Uk hasn't arrived yet, so that triggered a form 221g right there and it was expected anyways. He was so obsessed in trying to force me to admit that my fiancee and I are al... read complete review
Chennai, India | Review #8208 on August 29, 2011: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
Mumbai, India | Review #8071 on August 6, 2011: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Fiance's embassy interview was scheduled at 7.30 am, but my fiance had to wait until 2 pm to be interviewed. She was asked basic questions about our relationship and then they asked about why we want to marry in US since many of my fiance's family is in India. She answered it based on the fact that lot of my family members are here in USA. Then they asked about the pictures provided to them for ring ceremony. They asked why didnt we get married right there. They also asked that the ring ceremony photos look like wedding pictures. My fiance asnwered that those are engagement pictures because they were engagement pictures infact. After my fiance answered, the guy at the window went inside and talked to some people for about 10 minutes. He returned back and issued us a 221g asking us to provide some wedding plans, catering plans, guest list and photos from our last meet in India. It is funny that they thought the engagement pictures were wedding pictures even after we provided them the en... read complete review
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