India US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9
/ 5
943 Review(s)
Mumbai, India | Review #8578 on October 23, 2011: |

· 8 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
All's Well That Ends Well
I will try my level best to share my experience with everyone!!!!
My Interview was on the 18th October 2011.
Reached the VFS lounge at 6.45 am. I was given a locker to deposit my baggage because you are not allowed to take anything inside the consulate except for your documents.I was made to sit in the vfs lounge which was amazing. They offer you Tea or Coffee.The Bus arrived at 7am. We reached the consulate in just 3-4 mins.
People who arrive via vfs services are given first preference to enter the embassy.The best part is that I live in Mumbai but I still took the vfs service because I didn’t wish to stand for long hours waiting for my turn. I went through a security check and finger prints.(7.30 am)
I sat for around 15 mins and then I my name was called at 7.45 am. There was this Indian lady sitting there. She gave me my origin... read complete review
Chennai, India | Review #8566 on October 22, 2011: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
I had my Interview in Chennai on August 02, 2011 @ 1PM in the afternoon. I arrived at the consulate at 12:30PM and they gave me a token number and I had security check in the entrance and I was let into the room where I saw groups of people waiting for the interview. I was waiting for my token number to be called around 2:30PM my number was called and I went and had Interview with a Indian Lady Officer and after everything she told me I will be called again and so said to wait then within few minutes an American Male Officer called me and did my fingerprint and said again to wait. Then again at 4:00PM the final Interview was called by an American Lady Officer. She took just less than 5 minutes and saw all the pics and said I Approve your visa but as per the procedure we need to go through Administrative processing and gave me a blue color 221g paper and when asked she said they cant say time-frame since they need to verify my name from the FBI. After 81 days of AP I finally got my visa... read complete review
New Delhi, India | Review #8537 on October 19, 2011: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My fiance had his interview on October 12th and just picked up his passport from the VFS office in Jalandhar yesterday. Overall, he said it was an easy experience. He was called by the asian guy. He asked him 4 questions:
1) Fiance\'s name
2) Fiance\'s job
3) Why we are getting married in the U.S.
4) How we met
Then the CO said \"You\'re Approved\"
He was unable to submit his papers to the VFS office prior to his interview, but he took his papers to the interview and they accepted the papers before his interview.
He\'ll be here end of November, I can\'t wait!!!
(updated on October 19, 2011)
Chennai, India | Review #8525 on October 18, 2011: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
New Delhi, India | Review #8517 on October 17, 2011: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Interview was fairly simple... they asked 3-4 basic questions about our marriage and that's it... took me almost 2 hours for the entire process...
Now Showing Records 691 to 695 (of 943 total) |