India US Consulate Reviews
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943 Review(s)
Mumbai, India | Review #9143 on February 12, 2012: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Interview Date 03-Feb-2012 7.30am IST
-> 6.30am - In Queue outside the Mumbai consulate
-> 6.40am - We were asked to form seperate queues for Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Visa
-> 7.20am - Gates Opened
-> 7.25am - Was allowed inside the consulate building
-> 7.30am - After security screening, tokens were provided
-> After the token number was issued, we were seated in a waiting area for about 5mins
-> 7.50am An ~60yr old male Indian Officer called my token number for pre-screening.
- Questions by the Indian Pre-Screener:
1. Are you a tamilian(was asked in tamil)
2. Who's calling you?
3. What's his Full name?
4. What's your Father's name?
5. Whatt's ur Father's surname?
6. What's ur Mother's Full Name?
Then the IO pulled my VFS documents packet. Pulled my husband year 2010 Tax forms and returned all the other documents.
7. ... read complete review
New Delhi, India | Review #9139 on February 10, 2012: |
Amar & Bindu

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Me and my Fiancee went together to Delhi embassy. We reached there at 07:30 AM and our interview time was 08:00 AM. There was very big line for the Interview and we were together in the line.
We entered together at 08:10 inside the embassy. on the first window I went for the fingerprints and there was Japanese lady and she took my fingerprints.
After waiting around 1 hr. they called my number at the Window number 29. We went to the Window together there was Indian lady sitting and she had our approved petition from USCIS. She asked me who are you I said I am the beneficiary and she asked me who is she and I said she is my fiancee. After that she did not asked any question and she told me go and pay your visa fee at window 23 and come back here. So we went to the window 23 to pay the visa fee but they did not took our fee draft because the counselor rate was changed two days before the interview.
the Indian guy told me pay the correct fee If you have $$ then pay in ... read complete review
Mumbai, India | Review #9130 on February 8, 2012: |
Lynn n Sam

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
My fiance had his interview on January 5, 2012. It was horrible. They asked over 100 questions and grilled him for 8 hours - ending in denial. They were not nice at all. He said the interviewers were an American woman with an Indian woman and 2 men, one looked to be of Chinese heritage and the other Indian.
(updated on December 30, 2014)
Chennai, India | Review #8980 on January 9, 2012: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
Smooth. Just 4-5 questions by the consular officer. The Indian pre-screener was much tougher, wanted to know everything. The consular officer did not even look at the wedding album. It was all over in just 2 minutes. Arrived at 12.00 at the Anna Saalai gate. Citizen spouse was not allowed in, so had to go alone. Paid the VFS courier fee. Sat in a room for about 1 hour before the Indian pre-screener called. He was very thorough, and asked about the W-2s. Luckily, after having read previous reviews here, I had brought them along. In addition, I had carried all calling records, Skype calling logs, some selected emails etc. But none of those were required.
After being done with the Indian pre-screener, waited another 1 hour, before the consular officer came over and asked a few general questions. When she asked me when did I see my spouse last, I told her my citizen spouse was waiting outside. She said "Visa approved!". I asked if I could pick up my Visa later that evening,... read complete review
Mumbai, India | Review #8976 on January 8, 2012: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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