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Greece US Consulate Reviews

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Greece US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.6 / 5
33 Review(s)
Athens, Greece
Review #30316 on October 26, 2021:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

No waiting time, very organized embassy. They asked me twice, bottom up if you are in bona fide relationship there is no reason to be anxious or anything. Just reply honestly (dont forget you take an auth too but even without it never lie) and if you don't remember something just be honest.

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Athens, Greece
Review #30145 on September 17, 2021:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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Athens, Greece
Review #27219 on October 8, 2019:

Myrsini Mamoli

Myrsini Mamoli


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Review Topic: General Review

I had a great experience with my IR1 visa interview with a short waiting and interview time. The officer's main question was why I had not applied earlier, and when I answered him that it was due to the 2-year residency rule of my Fulbright scholarship, he sympathized with me! He did not ask me to review the originals of my documents and accepted a missing document via email. I submitted it about three days later, and my visa was approved and printed within the next 3 weeks. During the time prior and after the interview, the consular officers corresponded with me via email if something was needed, and they responded to my questions very promptly.

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Athens, Greece
Review #27167 on September 29, 2019:




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Review Topic: General Review

The whole process at the Embassy lasted about 45 minutes.
My advice is to be early enough as it works in first come and first served basis.All people waiting for interview were sitting in the order they arrived( I arrived second,one hour before the interview).
Initially, a Greek lady asked me my name,my parents’ names and how long I was married.She also asked me about my job and my husband’s job.
She took my two photos and told me to sit down and wait to be called by consular.
About 15 minutes later consular called me and she asked me what we have in common with my husband,what is his job.
The consular was a very friendly and young lady.
She also asked me what do I think about life in US and what does my husband’s brothers think of this marriage.
Then she asked me to show her any photos from our relationship and wedding.
And that was it.
I was confident and smiling.
I noticed she was looking at m... read complete review

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Athens, Greece
Review #25845 on March 23, 2019:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

They had some questions because I was a refugee to Greece and had been arrested. They needed more documentation on that so we went into AP. We originally brought the wrong paperwork. Call or email the embassy if you have any questions about what papers to bring; they are very nice and helpful!

We eventually mailed the correct paperwork in, went for a second interview and were approved!

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