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Germany US Consulate Reviews

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Germany US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
504 Review(s)
Frankfurt, Germany
Review #214 on October 26, 2005:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my K1-interview appointment on July 14th, 2005 9:00 am. I was there early so I had to wait until 8:45 am until they let me in. I didn´t have any cellphone or electric device with me so the check went very smoothly and quick. Nobody told me where to go so I had to find my way in the consulate which was very confusing. I eventually made it to the non-immigrant-section, rang the bell there and a nice lady took my invitation, passport and the pictures and handed me an envelope. She told me to write my address on the back of it and asked me to sit down again for a little while.

About 5 minutes later she called my name, I handed her the affidavid of support, signed a document (the one you are not supposed to sign home), gave her all kind of supporting documents (tax-returns and W2´s were not required here). Then she said that this already was the first part of the interview and asked me to sit down again.

Another 5 minutes later I was called to the act... read complete review

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #132 on September 2, 2005:




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Review Topic: General Review


I had my interview today for my CR1 in the consulate in Frankfurt. Here is how it went. Note my experiences are all based on Frankfurt and may be totally different in you case. Please do not take my experience as the norm.

Interview was at 7:30 so we arrived at 7:15. Already a bunch of people in line. However, the gate opened promptly and they took US citizens and appointment holders first.

First confusing point was the receptionist person told us to go to window 21 while the instructions we got with packet 4 told us to pay first and then go to window 21. I followed the instructions which appeared to be the correct method.

Tip 1: Follow instruction letter.

After paying the fee, we (my wife, the USC, still living in Germany was with me) went to window 21 where the women took the DS-230 part 2, my photo and my passport. She was happy I had the form filled in correctly. She then handed me the envelope and as... read complete review

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #129 on September 2, 2005:



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Review Topic: General Review

I had my appointment at 9:30am, which means that you are not actually allowed to even line up outside of the consulate untill 9:30. I was there 30min early and told to go for a walk..Once it was 9:30, the line moved very quickly and I was led through the security check. Make sure not to bring any cellphones or other electronic devices, they will not let you in and will tell you to bring them either to your car or to a newspaper stand up the road! Once inside, I went straight to the window I was told to go to which was in the Immigrant Visa Section and not nearly as busy as all the other windows in the Non-Immigrant section. There, the lady asked for my passport, the passport pictures (which I went to one of those machines real quick and took new ones since my ears were not visible on my old ones, cost 5€), the I134 and other proof of financial support.She also gave me an envelope which I had to put my address on and the stamps (there is a machine for those if you f... read complete review

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #54 on June 24, 2005:



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Review Topic: General Review

Ok, Im finally home and have some time to tell you guys all the details...

So, my appointment was at 9 am and since I was told to be there early I was there at about 8:35...and in by like 8:38, dont know why noone was there. I passed the securtiy check and was told to go to window 21! At window 21 I had to hand the nice lady the receipt from my visa payment, I gave her 2 pictures (I was wearing earrings but she didnt say anything...Im such a rebell :devil: ) and she gave me a big brown envelop that I had to adress to myself. Then I was told to have a seat and the waiting began...
Maybe an hour later I was called again, this time to window 22 where I had to hand out my birth certificate (she just compared it with the one I already send her so I got the original back!), my police certificate, the I134 and the supporting documents! She didnt ask for any picuters, phone bills or whatsoever...then she told me all about how I have 6 months to travel to the US and 90 day... read complete review

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