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Czech Republic US Consulate Reviews

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Czech Republic US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
42 Review(s)
Czech Republic
Review #25119 on November 28, 2018:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I think the worst part about the Embassy process is the first one, when you just wait and wait and wait, thinking you'll get some sort of mail from them (Packet 3) and that never happens. You probably won't even get any email. I would recommand to not be scared and give it maybe two weeks since it has left the NVC and try to call them on 257 022 415. Say they probably have your i-129f petition and if that's so, how should you proceed now. They will ask for you email address and email you the P3, which is just one piece of paper with simple instructions (will list them bellow). Or even better, get everything ready beforehand and call in saying that you have everything ready and you'd like to schedule your interview (you will be doing it over the phone unless like other embassies where you can do it online). Make sure you leave at least a week between medical and interview. At the medical, they were able to schedule me two days after I called, so that could be helpful too (call to 224 220 040). I was able to get both the medical and the interview, with my passport in hand, within two and half weeks, but the fact that it was November definitely helped. I would think they are much busier during the summer. The interview itself was really pleasant! The man I talked to, an American, was incredibly kind and friendly and made me feel much less anxious and relaxed. He asked me some basic questions and ended the interview after like 5 minutes and a positive result.
Good luck!

Here are the lists of requirements for the medical and the interview (this is what you'll get from the Embassy over the email)


All intending immigrants are required by United States law to undergo a medical examination which must be performed by an Embassy designated physician in the country where the applicant is processing his/her visa.

In Czech Republic, these examinations are performed Monday – Friday after 8:00am at the following locations:

Health Centre, Vodickova 28, Prague 1, telephone no. 603433833, info@doctor-prague.cz

Please make an appointment with the doctors. Please bring your passport, 4 passport sized photos, your complete medical history and, if possible, vaccination card. The doctors speak English.

The entire medical examination includes a chest x-ray and a physical and mental evaluation. Children under the age of fifteen normally don't need the x-ray and the serological tests, and pregnant women don't need the x-ray. Upon the completion of the tests, the physician will evaluate your state of health and complete the required form. Any fee in conjunction with all tests and examination will be at the expense of the applicant. The regular examination is usually completed in one week.

Your medical exam results will be provided to the consular officer at the U.S. Embassy. The medical examination is normally valid for six months from the date the exam is completed.

Prague Consulate P3:
Instructions for K-1 Visa Applicant

We have received your approved petition from National Visa Center. If you have all the required documents ready (according the list below), you can contact us to schedule an appointment. (telephone: 257-022-415 or e-mail: PragueIVP@state.gov). Please read the enclosed pamphlet about your legal rights.

List of required documents:
• Valid passport
• Birth certificate – original + copy
• Divorce certificate if any – original +copy
• 2 photographs 2x2 inches (5x5cm)
• Medical examination report (according to the Information about Medical Examination) from one of our panel physicians
• Police report form all countries you lived for more than 12 months
• Forms DS-160 (https://ceac.state.gov/genniv) – please bring the confirmation page with the barcode
• Marriage ability statement
• The fee $ 265.00 or equivalent in Czech Crowns (both in cash only) to be paid at the Consulate before the interview
• Affidavit of Support (Form I-134)

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Czech Republic
Review #22660 on October 12, 2017:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Went very well! We've pretty much always had a good experience with this embassy.

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Czech Republic
Review #21478 on March 8, 2017:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband had an interview yesterday for a spousal visa. We arrived early and his name was not on a list, (it seemed like the names on the list were only non immigrant visas) they didnt let me through the door initially but the man conducting the interview requested that I come in later that day. My husband waited for a couple hours before a woman asked for his papers, (birth cert, marriage cert, police cert, passport photos and passport) he waited a bit longer then was asked a few basic questions, then the man said things were all good and just needed one more paper and they would issue the visa. I had to come in later to bring a couple extra documents that I hadnt initially included in the AOS packet, as soon as they received those, the interviewer said they would start getting everything together. I called this morning and he said things would be ready to go today or tomorrow. so overall a very easy interview process, and everybody we dealt with was really nice. No complaints here! happy to be nearly done with this whole thing

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Czech Republic
Review #21245 on January 24, 2017:



· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The security guys in front of the embassy were nice and friendly.Unfortunately they did not have my name on a list. But they let me in anyway, i just had to show them my invitation letter. Even though on the letter from NVC is written time of your itnerview, it does not actaully mean that this is time, when you will be intervied. It only allows you to come in to the embassy in the certain time. So like everybody else, i had to take a ticket from the ticket maschine.I have been waiting for 45 mintues before they call in my number. Even people who came after me, went in front of me. I spoke to a nice czech lady and gave her the papers she asked. Original and copy of marriage certificate, birth certificate,police record, passport and passport photos. That was it. Then i had to wait again for the consul. I have been waiting for another 45 minuts, before the consul called me in. The interview was very short, no longer than 5 minutes and i actually enjyed it.Before the interview started the consul gave me back our photos which we have sent to USCIS as a proof in the begining of our visa jounrey. That was a nice surprise. I have been asked to describe my relationship with my husband, where did we meet etc. Then where my husband lives,what is my job,and when i plan on to travel to US. and in that moment i knew i was approved. Then the consul told me he does not know what else to ask and that everyting looks fine and that they will contact me when i can pick up my passport.And that was it. I rate the embassy experience very positive, minus the waiting and that when you are intervied everybody who is in the waiting room, can hear what you say. The interview is held only by a counter not in a private room. Otherwise the staff was very friendly and helpful.The visa were ready to pick up within 1 week. Only thing was, they do not send it by mail, you can only pick it up at the embassy.

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Czech Republic
Review #18955 on February 17, 2016:

S + E


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Overall, the interview went very well. The embassy was not busy at all and the interview only took 5-10 minutes. I got asked basic questions about our relationship and in total spent less than 1 hour at the embassy.

I arrived at the embassy gate 30 mins ahead of my scheduled appointment, the security asked me to come back in 5 minutes before my scheduled time, so I did. Inside the embassy I went through the standard security check. The embassy was pretty deserted as it was November, there was only one lady in front of me and no other people, all windows were shut sown except for one. Very different to busy time in June.

After I paid the fee and handed in rest of the papers I took a seat and waited for some time. I had no watch on me and since they took my cell I had no idea how long I waited but it was no more than 20-30 minutes. I could see after a while that the consul took his place in the window and was reviewing some materials (likely our case paperwork).

Then he called me in, took my fingerprints, I took the oath and he asked pretty straightforward questions such as:
-Give me a 2 minute version of how you met your fiancee/your relationship?
-Where do you plan to live in the US?
-Do you know each other's family, what does your family think about you moving?
-What does your fiancee do for living?
-What's you plans? (he asked about my education as I graduated from a US university, which he figured from our paperwork)
There might have been a few more but I don't exactly recall. Then he said we were approved and explained about my visa and when I can pick up my passport. Congratulations and yay! Overall very pleasant and fair treatment.

Scheduling my appointment was tricky as the embassy number that was given in the package the embassy sent me was pretty hard to get through. I only managed once - and that one time I scheduled my appointment. Other time I called no one answered, but they were pretty good about answering my questions over email. You can also always use the email to make the appointment. I guess it's all pretty understandable as lots of people must be contacting them in various matters all the time.

As for medical examination I went to Clinic on Narodni Trida. Overall good experience with no problems, just make sure you bring all stuff needed that's listed on their website (I also called to get clarification on a few things, they were very good about explaining).

After the exam and before you leave their office - DEFINITELY DO ask the admin for a copy of the vaccination record (last page of the form they fill out our for you) and INSIST they give it to you so you have something else for your own records other than the sealed envelope.
It actually says so on top of that page (it literally reads....give a copy of this to the applicant), yet I had to argue with them (I am guessing the lady did not speak English?), but eventually they gave it to me. You will need this when you arrive in the US for your AOS as you will again have to have a proof of the vaccinations when applying for your GC. Otherwise you medical after arrival in the US can be very expensive. Since the health exam paperwork goes to either the embassy or the immigration envelope (not sure where mine ended up) you better make sure you have a copy of the vaccination page on you....later you will be glad you did!

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