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China US Consulate Reviews

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China US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
525 Review(s)
Guangzhou, China
Review #7053 on January 13, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview date 1-11-11 12:30
She got there and had her finger prints taken. Showed Packet 4 and was given an interview time the following day at 7:30. She waited 3 hours for her turn, then interviewed for 8-10 minutes. Received the Blue form with the checked box RFE. VO didn\\\'t offer any other instructions on the form, but told her everything was fine, we need more photos together. Wouldn\\\'t consider pictures of us with her family only pictures of the two of us. We had two pictures of just the two of us taken at her sisters apartment. Also we had more photos of us with her parents, brother and sister, cousin, aunts and uncles, but she was told they could only use pictures of us together. She was told to wait for three months. We have no other pictures of us together. I\\\'m not sure what to do now. I didn\\\'t find VJ until after I returned from my last trip to China, actual not until after the I-129 was sent to the NVC. I don\\\'t find much fault with the Consu... read complete review

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Guangzhou, China
Review #6952 on December 5, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife received a blue slip of paper and was never given a chance to provide any information she was holding in her hands. Her fate was decided right from the beginning. We did comply and summit all the requested documentation for a second interview. My wifes interview only lasted a few moments. Just enough enough time for our love and lives to be changed forever. The VO was rude and also disrespectful too to my wife.

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Guangzhou, China
Review #6948 on December 4, 2010:




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Review Topic: General Review

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Guangzhou, China
Review #6945 on December 4, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Chinese fiancee's interview with her visa officer was about 15 mins.

how ever, the visa office didn't ask any of the evidence that we prepared (phone call history, photos, etc) , ONLY asked questions.

Interview with my Chinese fiancee:

1. Would you like to be interviewed in English or Chinese?

Answer: Doesn’t matter, whichever is fine.
2. How did you meet? and When?

Answer: We met at a concert in New York City on Sept 28, 2004.
3. When did you start this relationship after you met?

Answer: We officially began our relationship on April 23, 2005.
4. How old is your American fiance, the petitioner? What’s your age difference?

Answer: 3 years difference.
5. How do you think of your age difference?

Answer: I don’t feel we have any age difference, doesn’t matter and bother us at all.
6. Why is your American fiance... read complete review

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Guangzhou, China
Review #6941 on December 3, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Embassy staff efficient and nice to finance, visa approval in morning, hard copy due the next week.

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