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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1657 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #3085 on July 3, 2008:

Mike & Deb


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hi Everybody I just wanted to put up a post for all that might be a little stressed out over their upcoming interview in Montreal and pay it forward for all of the help that everyones wonderful posts have helped me. Lol..........good thing I wasn't stressed right??????? Right...........lol.

But truthfully it was one of THE easiest things I have ever been through!!!! The thing is that most of us compare this to the horrors that so many of us have been through with the CBO's at the Canadian Airports(Particulary Pearson) don't we????? I know I did!!! But when speaking with my lawyer one week prior to my interview he reminded me that these are Consulate people that will interview you and not Custom Officers........two different breeds trust me!!!

All of which resulted in just ordinary people really that look at your stuff more logistically than anything else and that the interview isn't really about you in particular but about the relationship that you and yo... read complete review

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Vancouver, Canada
Review #3077 on July 1, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We arrived at the consulate at 12:20 - apparently that's too early for a 1:00 appointment, and the security guards told us to come back. Returned at approximately 12:45, and went upstairs to begin the wait.... which wasn't all that bad. Gave the lady at the first window all my documents, and then waited some more. It seemed like they were trying to get everyone's files in order before starting the interviews. Anyhow, finally I was called to the second window, and did the fingerprinting and interview. My fiance was able to be there with me, which was really nice and I think helped. She asked me a few questions, was impressed with all my organized documents , and issued the visa.

One notable thing - because it was just before a holiday, and since I was flying back to Calgary this morning, they were able to issue and process the visa before we left yesterday afternoon. All told, we were there from 12:45 until nearly 3:30, but the extra wait time ... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #3059 on June 27, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I left Ottawa with my mom and sister on Wednesday at 12:00 pm, after getting lost a few times, we finally got to my grandpa's house around 4 pm (it usually takes us about two hours) We went for dinner at some greek restaurant and went to see where exactly the Consulate was and headed back to grandpa's house. I was asleep by 8:30 pm but woke up a bunch of times throughout the night because I was sooo nervous!

I got up nice and early this morning, got ready and my grandpa took me to the Consulate. Let me tell you something about my dear grandpa.. the man can't drive! He was all over the road, was doing 50 on the high way, went through two red lights and we almost got hit!! I just kept praying to myself.. please just let me get to the Consulate in one piece! lol

I got to the Consulate at 6:30 am and my grandpa read the sign on the door saying that they open at 8:30 am. He kept saying that I was crazy to wait outside for two hours. I tried to explain to him a... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #3058 on June 27, 2008:

~Laura and Nick~


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My mom and I left on Thursday morning, bright and early. The train ride wasn't that bad, we got great seats and I got some great shots along the way. Mostly I just wanted to get there and get it over with!!!

I woke up bright and early (5:45am) on Interview day and made the 4 or so block walk to the Embassy. There weren't many people on the streets, it was cool and a nice enjoyable walk. I couldn't believe how calm I was...not one bit of nervousness.

The embassy is on 1155 Rue St. Alexandre which is on the corner of Rue St. Alexander and Rue LeBlanc O, it's a tall gray building.
If you are coming off of Rue. St Catherine street like I was (The huge shopping street) There is a pharmacy on the corner, turn right there and the embassy is on your left on Rue St. Alexandre.

I got there around 6:40am and waited for them to open the doors.

They let me in around 7:30 with no appointment letter (I never got one), jus... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #3041 on June 23, 2008:

Aaron and Carrie

Aaron and Carrie


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Easy, efficient, friendly, no intimidation tactics. All in all it took about 2 hours, between waiting for different people to be ready for me, etc.

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