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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1655 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #5658 on February 5, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My interview was February 5th, and my mother and I arrived the night before. Took a quick walk after dinner to get our bearings so I knew how long it would take to walk in the morning.
Friday morning, we arrived at the Consulate around 6:30, and one couple was ahead..She was from Toronto and he was from California. My mom left to warm up about 7 and I was quite surprised that it was almost 7:30 before the line really started forming. A guard opened the door shortly asfter 7:30 and one at a time he checked our letters and passports and sent us to security. Just a note..when they say,­`empty your pockets of everything` they mean everything, and are a little peeved if you don`t. I made it through security first, got my B and headed down the stairs to the waiting room. The A couple followed then a lady who was being petioned as the parent of a USC was letter C.. if there were any other letters, they never came in that lot. The guard came out, opened the elevator and off we ... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5635 on February 1, 2010:




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Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing

ok here is my review of the interview that took place feb 1, 2010. I'll be as thorough as possible and very exact LOL

i don't wear a watch well i forgot it so most times are estimates (sorry LOL)

i know we got to the consulate at around 7 am and there were already 3 other couples already waiting, i know the earliest 2 couples where there 20 minutes before my wife and i arrived. COLD COLD COLD i think by the time we were let in we were all complaining that we couldn't feel out toes LOL. I think the doors opened maybe around 7:45am. Went through security, showed our passports and interview letters, also was given a ticket for my keys as the remote was an electronic and thats a no no in the consulate and were given our letters (D - 4th in line) and told to go down the stairs and wait outside the elevator (passport booth here if pictures forgotten or not taken 4 poses for 4$) for a guard to take us up to floor 19. In the elevator the guard asks us for our inte... read complete review

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Vancouver, Canada
Review #5617 on January 29, 2010:

Dan and Ali


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview for a K-1 visa today and I found the staff of the consulate very friendly, professional and willing to help. When you\'re dealing with government officials you typically find them to be very jaded/bored with their jobs, but I can honestly say that everyone I dealt with at the consulate seemed very happy to be there! My documents were reviewed by an East Indian woman (I did not get her name) who was very friendly and helpful. My actual interview was conducted by an older Asian woman I had read nothing but great things about here on VJ named Hong. She was very personable, helpful and she gave me the impression she really wanted to issue me the visa.

I was only asked three questions about my relationship with my fiance and she did not ask me to see any photos/phone records/etc. However, my fiance was there with me at the interview so I am sure that helped

The questions were:
- When did you and your fiance... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5603 on January 26, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Okay all, so here’s my indepth review of our Interview/Montreal experience.... it’s probably gonna be long so... bear with me...

We got into Montreal a day and a half early and on the second day, we took a stroll by the consulate -- you would NOT believe how many people we saw with the ExpressPost envelope and xray envelope -- pretty crazy, actually. We took that time to actually speak to a very nice security guard who happened to be outside -- I told him that were just casing out the place for our interview tomorrow and he told us, “get here as early as you possibly can -- the line up forms fast and long...” he also told us about bringing our stuff in a bag and all the other things we already knew -- he was a super nice guy.

It was really warm THAT day but the morning we had to actually wait was quite a lot colder. we were up at 6 am and out the door by about 20 to 7, I went and staked my place in line while my husband went and got us some ... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #5587 on January 21, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

This is the post I made a few hours after the interview in Montreal.


Hey Guys Arabella and Sean here,

First off, this french keyboard sucks!!!! It took me forever just to sign in.

Ok well, as Sam and Ben and Ashen said we got there at 6am. It was REALLY worth it. We were out of there by 9am. Waiting in the cold and the light rain went by very fast and we had a great time talking with Sam, Ben, Ashen, and her fiance.

We were also interviewed by the Consulate Depty director guy. He was so nice and he seemed genuinely happy and interested in us. He knew right away that we were from VJ. He asked me who I was and then----- HE LOOKED AT A LIST HE HAD ON THE INSIDE OF HIS WINDOW!!! That`s right- he has a list of the VJers!!!! I said, "Arabella" and he was like, "Oh right Arabella!"

He asked us how we met online and how we met in perso... read complete review

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