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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1655 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #7228 on March 6, 2011:

Matt n Shannon


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I want to start out by saying that all the anxiety that you experience prior to the interview is anti-climatic. Its so quick and you are in and out. Granted there are a few things you can do to stream line the process. So here we go.

Shannon and I arrived at the embassy at 6:45 am. There was no one there yet. I can see why people got a little confused as to the entrance. It is the side entrance on the road. You will see a bunch of papers on the window giving different information about the consulate.

We were the first in line and because it was so cold huddled inside the little passage way to block some of the wind. We were by ourselves for like 40 mins. No one started to show up until 7:15. We were glad to get there early because a bunch of people showed up out of no where.

Again we were happy we had VJ support, we decided to bring everything by hand and not take any chances carrying any bags. A few other people had bags and... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #7223 on March 3, 2011:




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Review Topic: General Review


So my interview was yesterday morning and as promised, here is my review:

I arrived early as per VJ posters' advice and man, were they right. I was there at 7:20 and out around 8:55. It could have taken much much longer.

Rule #1: Be sure to print out your interview confirmation page. A couple who had gotten there before me didn't have theirs and I know it slowed them down.

Finally, around 8:00, a security guard will come down and un-chain the doors. He will ask to see your interview confirmation page and your passport before he will let you enter the building.

Next is the security screening. They were actually very nice, if a bit straight-forward. This feels exactly like going through security at the airport.

Rule #2: Don't bring a big bag full of unnecessary items.

Thanks to VJ, I knew to bring only the essentials: passport, consulate documents and wallet. I know that p... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #7204 on February 27, 2011:



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Review Topic: General Review

CR-1 interview.
We stayed at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Montreal. It's a short walk around the corner to the consulate. The consulate is actually on a side street and not very noticeable. We actually walked right past it and had to ask a gentleman on the street where it was. He showed us that we had walked right past it.
We arrived at 7 am and there was no one around. We hoped it was the right place. Shortly after another couple walked up to the door and we found out that it wouldn't open until 8:00 a.m. By the time they unlocked the doors, it was probably 7:40. I was first in line. I had a computer type bag and was told it was too big. My husband had to walk it back to the hotel. Then I went inside was told to empty everything out of my pockets and had to go through a scanner. I was fine and was told to go downstairs. I sat right in front of the elevator as I knew that's where we went. I was also first on the elevator and was first in line when we got ups... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #7201 on February 25, 2011:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Overall this was a great experience with this consulate. We didn't have any issues what so ever. APPROVED!!! Goodluck to all those with upcoming interviews.


5 am- alarm came WAY too soon. I was a zombie when I got up getting ready but that part of the morning I don't entirely remember. Luckily I organized our documentation prior to going to sleep so brain function wasn't entirely needed.

*The consulate building doesn't allow electronics, big bags or brief cases. So my husband and I were armed with our organizational folder and my chest x rays and we left our cell phones in our room. (Bring a watch as we didn't have a way of telling time without our cells (outside at least).)There was no point in complicating things just take what we 'needed' to ensure we wouldn't be turned away to take unnecessary items back to our hotel room.

6:20- We got on the subway around 6:20 and arrived at our st... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #7191 on February 23, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I can't believe this process is finally over!

We (hubs and I) got there at 7:15am - for my 8:30 interview - and there were about 8 people ahead of us in line. When the doors opened at 7:30am, the security guard made all the people ahead of us with backpacks and larger bags leave the line and get rid of their bags! Thank god I had read VisaJourney and I knew to bring my documents in a grocery bag with no extraneous things! The security guards weren't mean but they were firm and actually, a bit nicer than airport security is. (and WAY nicer than US border patrol guards are!)

When you get in and go through security, you are told to go downstairs by the elevator to wait. We didn't get letter cards like most other people who have posted reviews of Montreal! But when the elevator guy came down, he asked all the people with x-rays to come upstairs with him. I didn't realize we even needed to bring our x-rays, but I was glad I did. Even though there were ab... read complete review

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