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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #8802 on December 3, 2011:

David & Beth


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Review Topic: K1 Visa


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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #8787 on November 30, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Everything worked fine except the a problem with the computers in the consulate. We spent 6 hours waiting in there, hungry and cold. But we got our approval without any questions; the officer just look to our papers and it worked fine, no problems at all.

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #8767 on November 25, 2011:

Him & I


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Completed visa interview on 11/17. They only asked a few questions did not look at packet of evidence we provided as we have been married four years, have a child and I was present with him for the interview. They asked if we would like to grab lunch and come back to complete the waiver interview same day as well. Completed both interviews! We need to file 601 & 212 waivers for his illegal presence. The only thing missing is his military certificate working on getting that ASAP! They advised it would be about 8 months once we submit the waivers.

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #8758 on November 23, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview was pretty easy, it all went well. In the brazilian consulate they're not very picky about things. If you got your NOA 2 most likely you'll be approved. The important thing is to have all correct forms, pay the fee and the 2 photos.
It was very fast, most of the time there was silence and he was just typing in the computer and looking at my forms. During the interview he asked:
- How/when we met
- How long after we met we started dating
- If he ever came to Brazil
- If we are going to get married
- My longest trip to the USA

That was it! Super easy! Didn't ask for proof of relationship or any other documents than the ones on the list! He did take a look at some pictures we sent along with I-129F (he had them with him), but real quick! Good luck everyone!

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #8682 on November 9, 2011:

Tye & Shirlei


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I wasn't able to go with Shirlei, but she was in and out very quickly. Everyone was very polite and nice to her and asked very few questions. They looked over the paperwork very quickly to see if everything was there and then granted her visa!

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