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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13636 on January 13, 2014:



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Review Topic: General Review

On interview day (January 7, 2014) we took the Metro from Copacabana to the consulate at 6 a.m. and arrived downtown at 6:30 a.m. There were only a few people waiting, so we got something to eat across the street. When we got on the fiance line about 6:50 a.m., there were several single women in front of us and a couple behind us. More people joined the line later, so we arrived at a good time. At about 7 a.m. a girl appeared and went down the line checking people's names off of her list. I gathered from her that we were the first same-sex interview at the consulate, although no one ever specifically said so.

After we went through the street level check-in and security process everyone went upstairs to the second floor. If you read Claudia's consulate review (#13525 December 23, 2013) the process is almost exactly the same as we experienced, with the exception that the girl did not hand out any forms on the street, but instead passed them out once we were in the room ups... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13551 on December 31, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13525 on December 23, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Acordei às 5:30 da matina. Arrumei minha mala para fazer o check out no hotel. Tomamos café da manhã e às 6:50 estávamos na frente do consulado. Havia umas 5 pessoas na nossa frente. Às 7:00 veio um mocinho mega simpático chamado Alex entregar uma senha e disse para não preencher nada e aguardar as instruções lá dentro. Entramos no consulado. Passamos numa máquina detectora de metais. Subimos para o andar superior. E sentamos. Aí vem o Alex de novo dando as instruções de como preencher + 2 formulários. Um dos formulários tivemos que preencher com (meninas já levem uma colinha pronta com estes dados a seguir, isto poupa muito tempo e nervosismo em ficar procurando as informações – eu levei pronto tmb): Nome do Hotel em que está hopedada no Rio de Janeiro (nome, endereço e telefone) + RDJ + Petitioner’s name (nome do seu noivo) + Petitioner’s Address (endereço do seu noivo nos EUA) + Petitioner’s phone (telefone do seu noivo nos EUA) +... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13406 on December 7, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

It took almost 2 months since the day Rio's consulate recieved my petition from NVC and the actual interview date.
The interview part went fine, just a few questions, very nice people. I was afraid that they requested the presence of my fiance on a second interview as it accured with some people the interviewed in August/2013, but it wasn't the case.
The questions were:
- How we've met
- How our relashionship developed
- What's my fiance profession
- How many times have I been to the US
- if he spoke portuguese
Got the approval, and proceeded to wait for the visa to be issued. I knew most people who didi the interview on the same day as me from a Facebook group. I saw that 6 days after the interview everyone else had their visa issued but me (including someone who had issues with their passport and went back there two days after the interview to deliver it to them), they would update my status everyday but the status itself wouldn... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #13339 on November 27, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview went very well!! Everyone there was super nice, very helpful! The consul was a man, and was super nice as well! The interview lasted like 3 minutes. He asked only a few question (where she lives, what she does, when we plan to get married and where we met) and said it was approved!! Told me to go to pay the courier fee and come back to give the receipt. Yaaayyyyyyy donee!!! ))

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