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Brazil US Consulate Reviews

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Brazil US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
611 Review(s)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #15433 on October 21, 2014:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The process was as painless as all of the recent reviews have indicated.

Salvador and I arrived around 7:00 AM for our 7:40 interview. We were met outside the embassy and presented the letter Salvador received scheduling our interview. We were escorted inside, passed through the metal detector, then we were taken to the second floor waiting room where we received additional instructions and filled out a form asking for our contact information.

Our papers were then reviewed by a young man who made sure we had everything we needed and placed forms in the proper order. We waited our turn to be called to a window where our forms were collected, our data was entered into the computer system, and we were given the bill to take to the cashier.

We went down to the cashier, located on the first floor, to pay the fee. (Important note--K-1 visas must be paid in cash even though there was a sign saying that fees could be paid using an internatio... read complete review

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #15414 on October 18, 2014:

Dan from MI

Dan from MI


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Stayed at a hotel a block away from consulate. Glad we decided to do that because all we had to do was walk instead of trying to look for parking. Notice: there is a great safe parking underground a block away.

We were the last people to be interviewed. Our appointment was at 8:30 and we got interviewed at 9:30. The only question asked was how we meet? I know the interviewer knew the answer anyway. She was looking very closely at our pictures... every single one and read the writing in the back. She asked the question to make sure that the pictures matched what we said. Then with a smile she said we are approved. Literally a 5 minute interview that felt like 5 hours. All that months for... 5 minutes.

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #15392 on October 12, 2014:




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Review Topic: General Review

(updated on July 14, 2015)

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #15262 on September 24, 2014:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

They are very friendly. The interview is all done standing and lasts 5-10 minutes.
Are basic questions:
What do you like about your fiance?
What the work of your boyfriend and what your job?
You ever been to America?
Whole process of document review and interview lasted 3 -4 hours.
But it is very quiet, with no pressure.
I was talking about living with other people who were waiting for the interview.

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Review #15230 on September 19, 2014:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Very friendly staff

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