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Bhutan US Consulate Reviews

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Bhutan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 0 / 5
1 Review(s)
Mumbai, India
Review #33264 on June 28, 2024:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Navigating the K1 Visa Process (Bhutan fiancée) through the US Consulate in India: A Personal Experience

Our journey through the K1 visa process via the US Consulate in India was an ordeal I wouldn’t wish on anyone. While we ultimately succeeded, the path was fraught with technical issues, hectic/unpleasant situations, and substantial expenses.

My fiancée, is from Bhutan, and due to the absence of a US consulate in her country, we had to go through India. This led us to usvisascheduling.com, a website I can only describe as terribly executed. Our first challenge was making the payment. Attempts to pay with a credit card or Google Wallet failed repeatedly, forcing my fiancée to visit a local Druk PNB Bank in Thimphu, Bhutan. The bank’s limited hours for this type of payment and the 3-day validity of the online payment slip meant she had to make a 40-minute drive twice. The first time, she arrived too late in the day; payments are only accepted until ... read complete review

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