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Belarus US Consulate Reviews

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Belarus US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.8 / 5
24 Review(s)
Warsaw, Poland
Review #4699 on July 8, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife is from Belarus, but the interview was held at the US Embassy in Warsaw. She had to get a Polish visa to attend. (If you are required to get a Polish visa, make sure to do it as soon as possible. It took 2 weeks to get the Polish visa. We had to use the interview date letter from the NVC because the embassy did not send the invitation letter until 2 weeks after they received our file which would have made it nearly impossible to get the Polish visa in time.)

One of the great things was that my wife met a lady and a guy on the train that were going to their interviews that day. They spoke and decided to join together during the day to make things easier. After they arrived they walked to each other’s hotels to get each of them settled and then headed to the Embassy together.

They arrived at the US Embassy in Warsaw at about 7:50am. Her appointment wasn’t scheduled until 9:30am, but they let them all in with no problems. There were 10 people ... read complete review

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Warsaw, Poland
Review #4680 on July 3, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Officer did not ask to see any relationship evidence. They took the I-134 and supporting documents. He was told to pick his visa up the next day. Both days he waited 4+ hours in the Embassy.

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Warsaw, Poland
Review #4387 on May 15, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Minsk, Belarus
Review #4276 on April 23, 2009:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Easy, fast and painless. Nice people, good atmosphere. We had more than enough documents/evidence prepared carefully, so it made the interview very quick.

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Warsaw, Poland
Review #4269 on April 22, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

They took his paperwork and called him in a few hours later. The officer asked nothing of our relationship and didn't ask for or look at any of our evidence. He offered how we met and she said "love at first sight!" She told him the paperwork was perfect. Thanks to VJ for that! Now for POE.... :whistle:

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