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Bangladesh US Consulate Reviews

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Bangladesh US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
92 Review(s)
Review #8483 on October 11, 2011:




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Review #8120 on August 15, 2011:




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Review Topic: Waiver/Admin Review

My Husband went to the Embassy at about 6:00am he got there a little bit early for his 8am interview appointment and around 7am everyone started to line up and they went in at 7:30 am.

first he was called to window 1 where the person asked his wife's name and collected his passport and told him to go wait.

then about 30 minutes later he was called to be fingerprinted and again told to wait.

and then about an hour or so of waiting he was called for the final stage of the interview.

And this is what transpired according to my husband:

CO: Hi how are u?
H: Hello, I'm well thank you
CO: who is sponsoring you?
H: my wife
CO: what does you wife do?
H: Answer
CO: where does she live?
H: Answer
CO: Who is Co-sponsoring?
H: Answer
CO: who does your wife live with there?
H: Answer
CO: How many siblings does she have?
H: Answer
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Review #8115 on August 15, 2011:




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Review Topic: Waiver/Admin Review

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Review #7996 on July 26, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I am just stating the experience on behalf of my wife.

Her experience wasn't bad at all rather it was way much better than she anticipated. Everything that was asked from her was relevant and we prepared well for those questions. Anyway, from landing in the embassy door step and wait outside in a line to coming out from the embassy took around 2 hours, which was incredibly good.

Interview Time was at 8:00 AM and she was asked to appear 30 minutes before the interview time.

Reached at the embassy little before 7:00 PM. The street was clear and there wasn’t much traffic, hence reached little earlier than anticipated

She along with the other candidates were taken inside around 7:20 AM. They were reminded that no cell phone was allowed and all went through the metal detector. After settling down, she was called at counter 1 where she submitted the interview letter, her passport and 2 passport size photograph. The gentlem... read complete review

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Review #7475 on April 19, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hello again.

Hopefully our experience will help.
OK well here it goes

My wife`s appointment was at 9:00AM (keep in mind this was in Bangladesh),So she arrived around 8ish..as always a huge line ahead..she stood on line then went in.{experts say always arrive an hour or hour/half early prior to the appointment time}.So she went in and was waiting to be called so officials call my wife she went to window number 1 made her sign few papers took the photos and passport.Then she went back to waiting then a second time she was called window number 2 , they took her finger prints and such.Back to waiting again then for the 3rd time she was called into the interview window the agent said "
Agent: Hello
Agent: So what is your name?
Agent:OK so who applied for you?
Wife:My husband
Agent:so when and how did your husband go to America?
Wife:responses... read complete review

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