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Bangladesh US Consulate Reviews

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Bangladesh US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
92 Review(s)
Review #11909 on May 5, 2013:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband got there at 7am and it was raining-he became completely drenched in rain. He got into the embassy at 7:20am. He waited (his interview time was 8:30am) and was called into a room. A Bengali female asked him:

Who is applying for you?
Is this both your first marriages?
Do you both have any kids?

Then, she told my husband to wait. After 5 minutes, he was called back into another. The person there took my husband's fingerprints. He then asked him to wait again. Around 9:45am, my husband was called into a window. The CO first started the conversation in Bengali, asked how my husband was and then he asked if he can speak English to which my husband responded yes. He wanted to see some pictures of us, so my husband showed him. He then asked:

How did you meet your wife?
What is your wife's occupation in the US?
What do her parents do there?

He then asked to see our pictures again and then he said... read complete review

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Review #11651 on March 19, 2013:

Dawn C Khan

Dawn C Khan


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Review Topic: General Review

There was a difference between what we expected from an approval.

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Review #11011 on December 3, 2012:




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Review Topic: General Review

My recent experience with the Bangladesh Embassy in USA (Washington, DC) has been extremely difficult and disappointing.

My wife had her name changed because of our marriage 19 years ago. The marriage took place in the United States and we have the marriage certificate to prove it. However the embassy is asking for the proof of name through the US DHS and US Immigration service. I have contacted both DHS and USCIS through official channels and they do not have any such process of the affidavit or the documents requested by the embassy for services. They have a process only for name change if it is related directly to Naturalization (e.g. Name change by request by a male or unmarried female, etc.). A name change through marriage is not withing the controls of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). Even the US Passport issued by US Department of State and the Social Security card issued by the Social Security Administratio... read complete review

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Review #10982 on November 28, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

At the interview day, my husband (the petitioner) was with me. It gives relaxation as he has to face the questions. I am not going through the detail of entry to the US embassy, things are similar like others.
The consular asked me 'who is he?' indicating my husband and then all the questions were for him. She asked him
how do you get your green card?
where do you live
what do you do for living
Is it your first marriage?
she was taking notes all the time. Then she asked me
which day you got married?

After that she browse her PC for some time,then give me a white slip and told me to receive visa at the next day.
It was really simple. I had bundle of proof of relationship-----pictures, facebook, skype, money receipt etc etc. The consular did not bother to see any of those. There was 0% utilization of the documents I carried. Anyway, it is always better to be over prepared than under prepared.
Good Luck for t... read complete review

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Review #10536 on October 2, 2012:

Ashraf siddiquee

Ashraf siddiquee


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Additional processing

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