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Bahrain US Consulate Reviews

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Bahrain US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
16 Review(s)
Review #16536 on April 6, 2015:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Nice fast and friendly

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Review #15059 on August 24, 2014:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Took forever to get help on getting appointment. After calling 3 times and getting correct number to call had interview 3 days later and visa in hand in 3 business days.

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Review #13810 on February 6, 2014:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was on January 30, 2014 at 1:30 PM and I arrived at 1:00PM. It was not so busy and there were not that much applicants. I was called after a few minutes for fingerprints, and after around 10 minutes for the interview proper. My interview lasted for about 15 minutes I think. The consul officer was nice and straightforward. She told me after the interview that she will just verify some of our documents and they will contact me soon.

These are some of the questions:

How long have you been working in Bahrain?

What is your work?

Where did u meet your fiance?

Did your fiance ever visited you here?

My interview was Thursday, and weekends here are Friday & Saturday. Came Sunday afternoon, I received a call from embassy to bring my passport. I thought I will have a second interview but they took only fingerprints, and that was it!

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview was set for 15:00 on 21 July. we arrived early and waited while another couple had there interview. we were asked to come to the window for the interview and the first question asked was to my bride,
"Tell me about your romance".
Next question was directed at her son and he was asked,
"What he thought the first time he met me".
Question # 3 was.
"Have you ever met his parents".
"When do you plan to get married".
"What are your travel plans and what type of wedding plans have you made".
"How long have you known each other".

That was all the questions that were asked and then we were told that the Visa was approved and we could pick it up in 3 to 5 days. The interview was on Thursday.

Monday we received a call from the Embassy and were told the Visa was ready for pickup and we could come and get it by 16:00 that day.

The personnel at the Bah... read complete review

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