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Australia US Consulate Reviews

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Australia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
414 Review(s)
Sydney, Australia
Review #16036 on January 26, 2015:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife and I turned up to the Consulate, and she was allowed to come in with me. Passing through security I wasn't allowed to bring pens, phones, xray CD, tables, etc any further. Phones and tablets were to be switched off. The security staff were very helpful, however they did have another totally unknown name registered next to my name :S

Going through the heavy door on the 59th floor, the ticket machine was on the wall opposite (about 2m from the doorway), and then we parked ourselves in the Non-Citizen waiting area. This area seemed to be rather hot due to the amount of people in there.

After 10 minutes or so we were called to the first window to chat with a nice Australian lady who wanted my passport photo, envelope, and an update co-sponsored AoS (which I was expecting). She also gave me my original civil documents back as well before we took a seat again.

While waiting to be called up for the interview proper, we had the opportunity ... read complete review

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Sydney, Australia
Review #15930 on January 8, 2015:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Completed the interview a couple of days ago.

Interview was scheduled at 8:30, arrived a little early at 8:00am, went through security, leaving my phone and the x-ray image CD with the friendly security folk.

Proceeded up the lift, through another security station into the consulate and took a number.

Called up about 5 minutes later to talk to the first girl who was checking all the paper work was in order, handed over the medical and courier packet, waited about 5 minutes before sitting down again to wait for the actual interview.

Called up (again) about 10 minutes later for the interview to talk with a very pleasant lady. She asked where my wife was, I said she was "still at the hotel" the interviewer smiled and replied "she wasn't keen to come along?" which was met with agreement. A few more questions on when we got married, where I'd lived, where we were planning to live, and if we had a joint sponsor (we didn't, and were ... read complete review

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Sydney, Australia
Review #15899 on January 6, 2015:




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Review Topic: General Review

MLC Centre easy to find. Level 10 easy to get to. Security screening thorough and I found it very easy as I did not take anything with me except for my documents. They even commented and thanked me for making my security check so easy.

The lift to Level 59 absolutely flys! It was so fast! Security checks you again.

Take a ticket for visas and take a seat.

I was called quickly to the first counter. Photo taken from me (only 1), pre-paid envelope taken, fingerprints taken, medical taken. Very quick, efficient. Gentleman was pleasant. Sat back down.

About 5 mins later called to another counter. Very friendly, kind and understanding lady. She looked through the original petition, civil documents and affidavit. Delightful lady to speak with and made me feel really comfortable. I was overwhelmed and she certainly understood that the process can be draining. I commend her on her professionalism and compassion.

Then in... read complete review

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Sydney, Australia
Review #15700 on December 2, 2014:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife had a great experience with the consular staff in Sydney. She had coffee in the lobby before her interview. As described by others (keep in mind this is second hand info) you take a set elevators to the 10th floor where you go through security. You are than escorted to the top of the building where the consulate is located. All in all, the staff were very nice and only asked questions about us, for example how we met, where did we get married, etc.

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Sydney, Australia
Review #15474 on October 28, 2014:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Super easy -

Went inside the MLC centre passed some shops and hit the highest level I could go. Once there you're in another lobby, go into another lift and select level 10.

Once you arrive on level 10 you head over to the US consulate, asked to show your ID (passport) and your stuff is scanned like an airport. They then ask what documents you need to take with you to the interview, and you're able to take those.
Within minutes you're escorted by a policeman to another lift up to the interview.
Once you're on the interview level a nice man takes your passport again and buzzes you into the waiting area, you take the visa ticket.

Again, within 5 minutes you're called up and it seems all of the administrative processing is done, they take your documents on the checklist and for example confirm your US address. One thing they did ask me at this point was my fiance's phone number. I luckily know it off by heart, but the lady comme... read complete review

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