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Posts posted by ammcguin

  1. Yes, US Citizens and LPRs are required to file taxes regardless of their location. They most likely won't owe any taxes on that income but they must file. If you had income in England you must report that on the tax forms for the US. You can fix it by filing the tax form that is missing. On the IRS website you can download pryor years' forms. If you are not required to pay taxes by the IRS Guidelines then you must clearly state this and quote the IRS guide (section and number).

    Thanks for your help

  2. I was devasted to recieve a checklist from the nvc today saying they needed:

    Supporting Documents missing or incomplete

    [x] The listed income tax documents/IRS statements for the years marked below are missing/incomplete (if you

    have lost any of the requested tax information, contact your local IRS office to obtain a copy) (Only Federal

    returns (not state or local) are acceptable unless the sponsor's income was earned in Puerto Rico.)

    • Federal income tax returns, literal printouts from IRS (RTFTP) or a Letter 1722 issued by the IRS are

    missing/incomplete for the year(s): [x] 2009 [ ] 2008 [ ] 2007 [ ] 2006.

    • W-2 forms are missing/incomplete for the year(s): [ ] 2009 [ ] 2008 [ ] 2007 [ ] 2006.


    [ ] Information provided for line 25 value: ______17297.80_____________________________


    [x] You have not enclosed an explanation of why you were not required to file income taxes under Federal tax

    laws for any/all of the 3 most recent tax years.

    Residence outside of the U.S. or retirement does not exempt a U.S. Citizen or LPR from filing a

    Federal tax return. Individuals who were required to file Federal returns but failed to do so are advised to file late


    Since I lived in England in 2008-2010, I did not file a Tax return for 2009, because I did not pay taxes in the US... Was I suppose to file anyway with 0 income? how can I fix this and what should I send to the NVC now with the checklist?

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