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About brooks1380

  • Birthday 01/03/1980

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    F-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We actually met on facebook and we fell right from the start in november of last year.We decided that we wanted to marry by January.His marriage proposal was actually my birthday gift,that and he had a star named after me,yes a star.I just returned from Malaysia where he is in school and plays football on a Cameroonian team there.His country of birth is Cameroon.I never believed in true love until I met my Charles.Now living without him is like not being able to breathe..impossible.Im willing to do or go anywhere just so we can be together.I never knew that love could be so strong to feel it over 11,000 miles away.We talk 2 to 3 times a day on the phone.We text back and forth thru out the day and night.I wait up til 4am as he rushes home from work to call by video cam and then again before he goes to bed.Its been like this everyday since we met. While i was there with him in Malaysia the whole time I didn't open my own door not once,he cooked for me or we did together and he insisted on hand washing my laundry and would not hear of me helping..lol.I am his cutie pie and he is my honeybun..Every thought brings a smile to my face but a tear to my eye cause I miss him so much.He is my soul mate,my best friend,and the love of my life.

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  1. ok,im back from Malaysia.Sad to say the wedding did not happen because Cameroon embassy did not endorse a document correctly for Malaysian standards and I had to return home.I stayed almost a month.So the wedding did not happen.But we all was not a loss.We fillled out the petition for K-1 and now I need help.We are ready to send in.Please educate me,what do I exactly have to send in with the petition along with the money order and what is the exact amount I should have the money order for.I n...

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    2. Barbara J

      Barbara J

      I look forward to watching your progress and wish you loads of luck on this journey. You know that coming into holiday time it may take a bit longer so you have a 5-9 month wait at least but hopefully will be approved quicker.

    3. brooks1380


      Thanks barabara,your a great help.I am working on putting it all together.I am excited just to get something started.I pray it doesnt take longer,but I guess this is the path God intended for us.I do have a extra passport photo of both of us,we had taken in Kuala when we were trying to do the marriage,so I got that as well.I am feeling so positive about this,its going to be okay and we will be together for good soon.Thank you.

    4. Barbara J

      Barbara J

      You are so very welcome

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