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Status Replies posted by Kay-che

  1. Finally! July 14, 2011 is the day :D My interview appointment!

  2. relationship going bad again... is it normal or is this just not going to work?

  3. only a week left til the interview!! :)

  4. God Please bring my fiance home next week. This is so hard doing this on my own.

  5. My help comes from the maker of heaven and earth.! :-)

  6. We are meant to help each other here, not bring each other down! If you don't have a constructive comment then don't say anything.

  7. Needing our time to come! No matter how strong of a couple you are...this is the hardest thing to wait out....I love Bahadir very much and its time for us to start our life and family!

  8. we are together in the USA now !!! life is beautiful !!!

  9. june bride.. i'am very happy for having such a wonderful husband to be..

  10. missing my husband like crazy

  11. Has anyone else ever recieved an email saying that they were the winner of the DVLottery ?They ask you to send money to the UK.Its such a scam and these people should sit and rot in prison preying on peoples like this.When I received it for my honeybun,I was so excited but then i looked into it and checked the links..I know ots silly but then I just cried,why would anyone ever dream of giving false hopes like that.But I just hope no one actually does fall victim.Has anyone else recieved such...

  12. i passed the interview: they only ask my advisory of marriage and 2010 income tax return. they only ask few personal questions like where and when we meet,wedding date

  13. I got approved!! :) No more knot in my stomach!!! :)

  14. EAD/AP approved June 1st! YAY!

  15. im new here at Vj, so many Question run to my mind..we dont know if we did the right thing,my hubby sent last monday at USCIS,He file petition for me a K3 visa.. we got married last aug 11,2010..im here in the Philippines, he is from Oklahoma and now work at mississippi.. pls let me know if we did the right thing.. thanks...

  16. May God bless all of us on this process, amen!!

  17. NVC has already sent my application to the embassy!!!!

  18. 16 Days and Counting

  19. this weekend sees us celebrating our first wedding anniversary...life has never been so fabulous!!!



  22. This being apart is driving me crazy, I so want to be together again. I will feel so much better when that happens!

  23. INterview tomorrow

  24. 2 days to my wedding day

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