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Dana and Divine

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About Dana and Divine

  • Birthday 07/16/1969

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Singing, doodling, and hanging out with family and friends.

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    Removing Conditions (approved)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Local Office
    Atlanta GA
  • Country
  • Our Story
    While marketing a weight loss product online, I randomly invited Divine and several other people to my page facebook page. He contacted me and thanked me for the invitation. When I found out he was from Nigeria...I was interested to know everything I could about his life, his environment and his family. I had never been out of the country and he was intriguing to me...as I was to him. He had also never been out of his country and he was just as inquisitive as I was.

    We talked for three days straight. Looked through family photo's of each other, talked about our lives from birth until today.

    I discovered Divine had many things in common with me. He was my age (we are in our 40's). He works for a security company and is the sole breadwinner for his family. I also am the sole breadwinner for my family. We found we shared the same beliefs and religion and began praying together very early in our relationship. We talked about good things, bad things and leaned on each other. We quickly became the very best of friends.

    We met May 10, 2010. In March 2011, I went to stay with him and his family for 20 days. We had an amazing time together. He had to work a lot while I was there and during those times his family entertained me.

    I truly enjoyed being there for him when he came home from 12 to 14 hour work days. We talked more about our families, how we could make their lives better. We prayed and went to church together. I truly felt like family.

    Divine asked me to marry him! I was delighted and of course...I said YES, YES, YES!!!!

    We did not set a date, we wanted to wait until his mother came back from the village visiting family.

    Today is November 26th, 2011. Divine and I have been together over a year, going on two. Mom (Divine's mother) has set a month for us to get married. February 2012. I will be going back to Nigeria and we will be married.

    Our journey has just begun. My children love Divine, they talk to him on a daily basis just like I do. We can't wait to be together, pray together, work together and take care of our families together.

    He is the most amazing man I've ever met! I'm totally, completely, head over heels in love!!

    February 16, 2015...married three years. Couldn't be happier!

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  1. Okay, so my husband bought a car this morning. Where is he going to park that on the plane?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      I know! Right? I did remind my hubby this morning, hey buster, you know you have medicals coming up and we need an airline ticket home with your wife. Right? He says right. But you know, we've got to take care of mum cause we need time here for him to readjust and gain employment. The entire family is pulling together and working hard to make sure we have a good start. I love being part of a family who truly sticks together!

    3. bsd058


      He sounds like a very responsible and generous fellow!

    4. Dana and Divine

      Dana and Divine

      bsd058...he is. His quiet demeanor, kind heart, level head and hard work ethic were just a few of the things that drew me to him. I say it all the time, I am truly a very blessed woman.

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