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About TJ 4EVER

  • Birthday 02/18/1972

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Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Chicago Lockbox
  • Local Office
    Philadelphia PA
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  • Our Story
    Our Story
    Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Julius Ogbu
    Our Beginning
    I met Julius at the end of January 2010 in the city of Abuja, Nigeria. It was a chance meeting, perhaps chance is the wrong word, I would say it was fate. I spent two weeks in Nigeria for a class I took. I am attending Palmer Theological Seminary and they offered a class that was being taught in Jos, Nigeria. The reason I used the word chance at first to describe our meeting is because on the day I met Julius I was supposed to be already heading back to the States. But as fate had it our plane never showed up and we (my professor and classmates) had to stay at a hotel in Abuja. The afternoon that Julius and I met we (some of my classmates and I) were visiting some shops in the city. I was in a shop looking to purchase a few items than I met the man God had ordained for me. I chuckle now that I think back to that moment, he like so many others thought I was a Nigerian. We said a few words to one another and exchanged our email and phone number, I insisted we keep in-touch.
    Julius and I did not communicate much once I was back in the States. My spring semester began and life got hectic for me. We were able to send each other an email here and there but our true friendship did not begin to prosper until the end of April beginning of May. Julius and I spent a lot of time on the phone talking and getting to know one another. He asked me by the end of May if I would be interested in being in a relationship with him and I was a bit skeptical for a number of reasons. First and foremost I do not want to do anything that is not in God’s will for my life. I told him that in order for me to agree to date him God would have to place it in my heart. Another reason was I wasn’t sure I wanted to have as long distance relationship. But like I told him if God placed it on my heart I would be obedient to God’s Word.
    In June I decided I would fast and pray and ask God for direction. I turned off my phone, disconnected my computer and unplugged my TV. so that I could be in-tuned to God’s voice. I fasted for four days and on the fourth day, June 18th God revealed to me that Julius is my Boaz (soul mate). I immediately called Julius and told him about the news. We praised God and prayed together and since that evening there has not been one day that has passed that I have not spoken with my husband.
    Our Engagement
    Our relationship blossomed quickly. We took every opportunity that was available to us to truly get to know one another. This past summer was great. With each conversation we had my love for him grew even more. Julius and I threw around the idea of marriage shortly after we became an item. I felt in my heart that God has ordained our union therefore marriage made sense. My husband still became really formal about the matter and surprised me on our anniversary date (August 18th) by asking me to marry him. I was over joyed and of course I said yes.
    Our wedding
    I left to go to Nigeria on October 16, 2010. I arrived in Lagos on the 17th and my husband met me at the airport. We were both bubbling with excitement. This was the first time I ever hugged him physically (I always held him spiritually). That same day I was met my family face to face finally. I spoke to all of my in-laws on the phone regularly but seeing them was such a joy. I was able to embrace my now nieces and nephews and got to sit among them and we laughed, prayed, cried and talked together. Julius and I stayed at a hotel in Lagos. The name of the hotel was Peaceland Hotel. My stay lasted for 15 wonderful days.
    We were married at the registry in Shomolu. All of my in-laws, brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews attended. A few of my husband friends were there as well. My sister-in-law Regina stood up for me as my witness and Julius friend stood up for him. Julius arranged for a reception after our wedding at a local bar near his home. He had matching outfits tailored for us (which you will see in the photos). I was so very happy and felt so very honored that day. My family treated me like a queen. That evening Julius and I consummated our marriage.
    For the rest of my stay my husband and I had the pleasure of enjoying each other’s company. Julius took me on a mini tour. We went to the mall, to the market place, to the movies and just for walks. We walked hand and hand everywhere we went. He even talked me into riding one of those motor bikes, which at first I was so afraid to ride. Leaving my husband was so very hard. I think I cried the entire day. He wanted me to be strong, assuring me that God has everything under control but it wasn’t that I was afraid to leave him, I was just so very sad.
    Our commonalities
    Julius and I have so much in common. I smile as I reflect on how both of us were so care free with one another as we talked and played cards games. We both a committed to our faith in God. That alone is the most important thing. We both take all of our care and concerns to God first. I felt so good when he and I were able to finally join hands and bow down to pray. Julius and I make it a point to pray together on the phone but to actually be in each other’s presence while praying was so spectacular. It also felt so good to attend his church for worship and I look forward to the day that he attends the church where I worship.
    Julius and I would like to have a child together. He and I both have a love and zeal for children and knowing that makes me love him even more. Julius and I are both laid back people. It doesn’t take much to make either one of us happy. We were both content with just watching movies together oppose to going out. We are both movie lovers as well. During my stay in Lagos we went to the movies twice and I brought some DVD’s from home with me where we watched a movie almost every night. Both of us also like to laugh and are jokesters. We continuously tried to outdo the other to get a laugh.
    Julius loves Nigeria’s definition of football (soccer) and I love American football. Although the sports are different I believe our zeal for supporting the team will complement each other. He will learn American football and I will learn soccer. Both of us loves to sing and our voices aren’t half bad either. We look forward to the day that he and I could do a duet in church. Julius and I also love to dance. At our reception we were both dancing and laughing and truly enjoying ourselves. Julius also gave me the pleasure of dancing for me as I videotaped him at our reception.
    Being as though both of us are really active in our churches we both have a passion to do ministry. I plan to become a minister once I graduate seminary and Julius plans to preach as well. I know God is going to use both of our gifts in a magnificent way.
    Our Future plans
    As I alluded to earlier Julius and I plan to have at least one child. We have been praying that God blesses us with one so that we can raise he or she with good Christian values. Julius has a good business sense and I have a strong background in social work. Perhaps we will be able to start a business to help train pastors, counselors, provide therapy for the broken hearted, anything that will be in God’s plan. We will also dedicate some time in missionary work.
    Our Family
    My mom and my boys have developed a close relationship with Julius. They speak to him on the phone, email, facebook or messenger. My mom has been so supportive throughout this relationship. She has embraced Julius from the beginning and tries to make him feel like a part of the family.
    Julius family has been just as supportive. I speak to often via phone. Like I mentioned earlier I has the pleasure of meeting them and spending time with them. Our friends have shown support and I have spoken to his and he has spoken to mine. We are all coming to the point of one big community, Nigeria and America holding hands.
    Our dedication and love to each other (our plea)
    I love my husband dearly. It is so hard to be apart but our love for one another is keeping us strong. I plan on visiting my husband in March of 2011. Unfortunately due to my health (I am a liver transplant recipient taking immunosuppressant’s) my doctors has advised me that I should not stay in Nigeria longer then two week intervals. Therefore I plan to spend at least 10 days with my husband in March. We have been praying without ceasing asking God for favor that he and I will be able to live together as a family soon. My children are so very excited to meeting him as well as my friends and family members. I feel blessed that I was able to meet those who are near and dear to his heart, I would like nothing better than for him to meet those who are near and dear to my heart. Please help us have the opportunity live together “until death do us part”

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  1. I read your story sis.you have awesome testimony. You put God first and look how smoothly things ran for you. Once again I want to thank you for commenting on my post.

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