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Don and Grace

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Posts posted by Don and Grace

  1. so go to this site http://track.dhl-usa.com/TrackByRef.asp?nav=TrackRef

    enter your reference code like this. If your NOA2 letter states that it sent off your packet on Feb 4th then the code would be EXP 04 FEB 2011A

    Then enter below that some dates to search between.

    Using that date code i can see all the packets sent off from the NVC on Feb the 7th. None of which went to manila.

  2. We were approved on the 20th of Jan and i received the hard copy of the NOA2 soon after that. A couple days ago i received the NVC notice with the date of Jan 31 on it. Im wanting to know how to proceed from here. What forms does my fiancee need to fill out and is there any more forms for me to fill out as well? So far i have gathered, tax return, bank deposits for the last year, emails between the both of us since filed for the k-1, letter from work, phone records, the replica of the packet i sent with the k-1 plus all receipts, pay stubs from the last 6 months. Am i missing anything? Should i send these things to her ASAP? Do we wait for a letter or anything from the embassy? Can i have her go now and pay the interview fee or should i wait till after i send this to her?

    Sorry for so many questions but i want to make sure its done correctly so there are no delays or that its all covered for when she goes to interview. Does she need to do anything else prior to medical and interview or after?

    Thanks for any help.


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