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Don and Grace

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Posts posted by Don and Grace

  1. Hi,

    Im just about to book flight for fiancee and was wondering if there was any issues with flying out of Manila (Narita)?

    I have one way ticket reserved but not paid for yet. On the phone the representative said something about the visa being good for one year. I know that cant be right because they only issue the visa with 6 month time allowance.

    When i go to the airport to purchase ticket should i talk to the immigration there?

    I want to basically make sure she wont have any snags when she flys out.

  2. Hi,

    Just wondering what the visa looks like. My fiancee received the packet today but isnt sure where the visa is or what its supposed to look like. I instructed her not to open the packet and that it needs to keep sealed until she arrives here, then the immigration here will open it. And where is it located at?

  3. well to give visa time to arrive to her, was thinking 2 weeks out from today, so that would place it at the end of april or first week of may. Yes it seems a bit much to me to have a one way ticket only 50 60usd cheaper than a round trip. Last year in Jan tickets were going for around 700 roundtrip from here. But for delta now its 912 for one way.

    I was also worried about her being able to pick up the ticket at the airport. If i have to i can purchase the ticket here, right at the ticket counter if that helps.

  4. Hi

    So interview is done and approved woohoo!!!

    So now we need to set up the flight so i can bring my fiancee home. Is purchasing a one-way ticket ok to do?

    Can anyone assist on where to purchase the ticket?

    What im finding is around 900usd for one way and the round trip ticket is about 970. That seems excessive that they are so close in price. That is with delta. I havent found anything cheaper than around 900. Trip adviser is 883 and that is the lowest i have found so far. Does anyone know a good travel agent in Oregon?

  5. so weird. I called them again and explained to them that on the form they sent me it states that personal items and documents dont require a commercial invoice. They told me that customs requested it and on the package it states the contents. Hope wont have to do this again. Seems a little weird for documents to need a commercial invoice. They do weigh in at 8lbs though.

  6. Hello

    I recently shipped my documents over to fiancee using FedEx. Today i tracked it and it said there was a delay and to contact customer service. So i called them and they said the delay was because there was no commercial invoice with the package. Is that a normal thing? Fedex emailed me the invoice to fill out but it states on it that it isnt required for documents or personal items. On the package slip that is on the front of the box it states the value of 1 dollar and that the contents are immigration documents. Im a little worried about this because, as you know these are the original documents they want for the interview and cant be replaced.

  7. Correct me if im wrong, but you need a septum test if they detect any tuberculosis spots in the lungs. The test is to either confirm that you either have tuberculosis or you don't. If you do it takes 2 months of treatment i believe.

  8. Hi,

    Im trying to schedule our interview, and having difficulty in doing so. According to my fiancee, she has a friend that says april is being booked already but we cant seem to schedule. She is getting frustrated that we havent made the date yet for interview and i need some info to tell her so she will stay calm. Its been sometime now, seems like the wait has been long and we both want to be together quicker. Will the embassy get upset if i call them everyday?

    The other thing was, when she received her letter that it was ok to schedule for the interview she said it was dated Dec 3rd, but the letter from the nvc was dated Jan 31st. She just received the letter this past week. So you see why she might be a little frustrated.

    Anyway i hope that someone can reply so we can stop the waiting, and start our lives together soon.

  9. Hi

    Im trying to schedule the interview online and ustraveldoc and getting error in doing so. The error i get is "Your bank fee receipt is already used"

    The interview isnt scheduled yet so the bank fee isnt used. Has anyone gotten this message and how do i fix it so i can schedule?

  10. Hi a few of questions i have

    Was wondering how long it takes to get letter from the embassy so i can get the interview scheduled? I think its been around 10 days now that they have had my packet. I called them and talked to someone there who told me to wait to go pay the interview fee until she has the letter.

    Once the interview fee is paid for how will i go about getting my UID number? I viewed a recent receipt from someone i know, and the receipt did not have the UID number on it.

    We are both getting anxious and it has been a long wait.

    What are some good ways to ship the paperwork over to her? I called DHL and cost is about $150usd for aprox 10lb packet. Same with FedEx. There is an lbc office here but they said they don't ship documents, only the Balikbayan boxes. Anyone from Oregon that might have suggestion for me?

  11. Why cant this person work? I was reading over the social security website and it does state that no EAD is required for a person to work as long as they have their social security number. But, employers can ask for that if they chose to.

    1. Aliens Work Authorized Without Specific DHS Authorization

    The following sections list non-immigrants, by alien class of admission codes, who are authorized to work in the U.S. without specific authorization from DHS. The person’s I-94 will not have the DHS employment authorization stamp and the alien will generally not have an EAD.

    NOTE: Although aliens listed under a class of admission in RM 10211.420 of this section are work authorized without specific DHS authorization, employers may still ask for an EAD before the alien can start working.

    For those with an asterisk (*), the principal alien, spouse, and child all have the same classification code. In some instances, both the husband and wife are both principal aliens when the classification is E-1, E-2. When all family members have the same COA, ask the SSN applicant if he or she is the family member who is the principal alien, or spouse or the child of the principal alien.

    NOTE: The visa of the principal alien generally shows the basis for the visa, e.g. “treaty trader” or an employer’s name, while the visa of a spouse or child may show an annotation that the person is a “dependent of the p.a.” (p.a. means principal alien).

    For those with a double asterisk (**) (non-immigrant E-1, E-2, and L-2 classifications), the spouse is also authorized to work without specific DHS authorization. When the E-1, E-2, or L-2 spouse applies for an SSN card and does not submit an EAD as evidence of employment authorization, he or she must submit, in addition to evidence of immigration status, evidence of a marital relationship to the principal E-1, E-2, or L-1 alien. The evidence of marital relationship between the applicant and the principal E-1, E-2, or L-1 alien is a marriage document. The marriage document must indicate the marriage occurred, either: 1) prior to admission to the U.S. as an E-1, E-2, or L-2 non-immigrant; or 2) prior to extension or change of status to an E-1, E-2 or L-2 non-immigrant.


    Class of Admission



    Ambassador, public minister, career diplomat or consular officer (principal)


    Other foreign government official or employee (principal)


    Attendant, servant, or personal employee of principal A-1, or A-2 (principal)


    Treaty trader (principal)


    Spouse of principal E-1

    When an EAD card is issued in these situations to an E-1 spouse, the I-766 shows “A-17” under Category.

    If an EAD is not submitted, applicant must submit a marriage document as evidence that he or she is spouse of the principal E-1 alien


    Treaty investor (principal)


    Spouse of principal E-2

    When an EAD card is issued in these situations to an E-2 spouse, the I-766 shows “A-17” under Category.

    If an EAD is not submitted, applicant must submit a marriage document as evidence that he or she is spouse of the principal E-2 alien


    Treaty trader in a specialty occupation


    Academic student - for on-campus employment, and DSO authorized curricular practical training. (See RM 10211.240 for the proof required)


    Canadian or Mexican national academic student who commutes to school in the U.S. – for DSO authorized curricular practical training (see RM 10211.270


    Resident representative of recognized foreign member government to an international organization (principal)


    Other temporary representative of recognized foreign member government to an international organization (principal)


    Representative of unrecognized or nonmember foreign government to an international organization (principal)


    Representative of international organization (officer or employee) (principal)


    Attendant, servant, or personal employee of principal G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-4


    Worker in a specialty occupation


    Temporary worker in a specialty occupation


    Registered nurse


    Agricultural worker


    Non-agrarian seasonal worker


    Returning H-2B worker (worker was previously admitted as H-2B, left the U.S. temporarily and is returning to the U.S.




    Foreign information media representative (principal)


    Exchange visitor (pursuant to an approved program) (See RM 10211.340) An exchange visitor whose DS-2019 shows the category as “international visitor,” “student,” or “student intern” in item 4 of the form must provide a letter from the program sponsor as evidence of authority to work. Otherwise, presume the J-1 is authorized to work as part of the exchange program.


    Fiancé(e) of U.S. citizen


    Intra-company transferee


    Intra-company Transferee Managers and Executives


    Intra-company Transferee Specialized Knowledge


    Spouse of an intra-company transferee

    When an EAD card is issued to an L-2 spouse, the I-766 shows “A-18” under Category.

    If an EAD is not submitted, applicant must submit a marriage document as evidence that he or she is spouse of the L-1 alien

    NATO-1 through 6*

    NATO officer, representative, or personnel (principal)


    Attendant, servant, of personal employee of principal NATO-1 through 6 (principal)


    Alien with extraordinary ability in sciences, arts, education, business or athletics


    Alien accompanying O-1


    Internationally recognized athlete or entertainer in an internationally recognized group


    Artist or entertainer in an exchange program


    Artist or entertainer in a culturally unique program


    Cultural exchange visitor


    Irish Peace Process Cultural and Training Program Visitor


    Religious worker with a nonprofit religious organization


    Professional business person, United States-Canada Free Trade Act (FTA)


    Professional business person from Canada or Mexico, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


    Professional business person from Canada, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


    Professional business person from Mexico, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


    Alien admitted pursuant to section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)

    The I-766 shows “A-3” under Category.


    Asylee under 208 of the INA

    The I-766 shows “A-5” under Category.

    Social Security Website

  12. Ok about ready to send her to pay for the interview fee. Is that fee in prevailing exchange rates. Right now 350 in exchange rate would be almost 16000.00 peso. When my friend paid his he paid 18500.00 so im a little worried about it. Other thing is i need to send the packet of paperwork off to her as well and unsure of what to use to send. There isn't a fedex office where she lives and its very costly. I got quoted almost 150usd. There is an LBC office here though. When she sent her paperwork to me she sent it via LBC and DHL was the ones to drop it off at my door. It took about 5 or 6 days to arrive here. Wont be another chance to send the paperwork to her as it has all the originals of everything in it so i want to make sure its safe getting there.

  13. Thanks for the help :thumbs:

    So i had her start filling out the paperwork last night. I told her she needs at least 2 copies of each form. Perhaps i will tell her to print 3 of each to be safe. I also told her she needed at least 6 2x2 passport photos should i tell her to have more of those? What the best way to send the packet to her? There is LBC office here or DHL. Where she lives there is no FEDEX. Only place i know of there is LBC. When she sent me her paperwork for the filing she sent through LBC and it arrived here from DHL.

  14. You could try the Lotus Garden hotel as well. I think i paid around 2100 per night but it has buffet breakfast and the staff are friendly. If you need anything they will help day or night. Not to bad just stay away from the adobo at breakfast. Its close to both the embassy and st. lukes as well as robinsons mall.

  15. Since on the hard copy of my NOA2 stated that they sent off the packet on Jan 31st i entered in EXP 31 JAN 2011A as the code and found 1 that went to manila and arrived in manila on the 4th of Feb. But the only way to get this information is to have your hard copy of the NOA2. Without that you cant tell the date the nvc sent the packet off.

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