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  • Our Story
    Our respective jobs had taken us both to Singapore, Inday for a few years, RK for a much shorter time. While RK was there in early 2006, and on job holiday, RK took a cooking class pursuing one of his greatest loves where he met Inday who was doing likewise. Our shared love of cooking, family, languages, God, Christ and so much more formed the basis of a wonderful friendship. Our first date was the second night after we first met, talking and walking along the beautiful waterfront in Singapore. We both had never been so happy before. Our meeting was like a fairy tale come true. Too soon, RK had to return to the U.S. We agreed to focus on building a friendship first and not a romance due too distance, time of separation and mostly due to value in founding genuine relationships on the strength of true friendship. And so it was. We had hoped to next meet in Singapore In December 2006 when RK's job would bring him to Singapore again but even though he came Inday had to previously return to Philippines for a short while. Inday returned to Singapore in early 2007 but by that time RK had already departed. But through phone calls, emails, and texting our friendship endured and grew until RK was able to come to Asia again in early 2008 and meet Inday in her home town in the Philippines where she had recently returned. Then and there, the friendhip blossomed into a beautiful romance and the story continues. Trust us when we say fairy tales can and do come true. As His children and citizens of His Kingom we are all princes and princesses. The dragons to be battled are still real but are disguised in contemporary clothing. Each day holds the potential for enchantments, both bad and good--these, again, simply found in modern guise in today's world and in the hearts of those who reside there. Yes, happy fairy tales can and really do come true--we pray that each and every one of you will each be blessed by finding the Happily Ever After available to us all. --RK and Inday

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