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Posts posted by YetundeAY

  1. Hello all,


    I filed for my parent December 2021 and finally got a response this week. The response was that the birth documents I sent was not reliable. My birth certificate didn't have my first name on it because it was issued before I was officially named 7 days after being born. I had also sent a document from my local government but that was deemed unreliable - the letter said "USCIS does not consider a birth document issued by the Oyo State of Nigeria Local Government Registrar as sufficient primary proof of the claimed family relationship".


    Other evidence was suggested to be sent including a DNA test but when I called to have DNA done, they said it can't be done since the embassy at Lagos stopped getting DNA samples since COVID. My parent would have had to have her sample sent to Lagos embassy while I do mine here.


    Would it be OK if I can get a birth certificate amendment from the hospital I was born? Church records were also suggested. Will the baby dedication record be OK?


    Please advice on documents that will be considered reliable.

  2. BTW, NigeriaorBust, when I said "help", I didn't mean babysitter or having her work for us. My MIL is nobody like that. Much better off. My MIL has work that she has to take care of in Nigeria and having her come for longer than 3 weeks would be impossible, maybe a month, if we stretch it.

    And boiler, there's no one trying to scam anybody here. I plan on spending the rest of the year in Nigeria after I deliver. So I don't need any cheap labor.

    It's going to be my first child and my family is scattered all over the US. I've been trying to see if anyone from my side of the family can be there just to show me through the first couple of weeks but that doesn't look feasible.

    All I needed was guidiance as to how to possibly try to have her here. I know it could be difficult for her to get the visa but I just wanted to give it a good try. And I wanted to make sure I didn't mess up anything while trying, so I'll know for sure that it's the CO or the Lagos embassy that didn't give her the visa, if they don't. Not that it's something I did wrong or something I didn't do while filing.

  3. I need help and advice about filing for my MIL. I and my husband are expecting our baby this summer and it would be awesome to have her here to help during that time. I am a USC. How do I invite her to come here? What papers do I need to file, if any? What would she have to do in Lagos in terms of embassy and documents she would need? How would she schedule the appointment?

    All the help I can get will be very appreciated.

  4. I filed for my then fiance (now my husband) with the K1 Visa and after we got married, we sent the I-485 form. He will be doing his biometrics next week.

    I've been reading other posts and it seems like there are other forms I have to file. Do I need to fill anymore forms before he gets his green card? He's planning on going to Nigeria for a couple of weeks before the year ends and I want to make sure we have everything right.


  5. I am officially a member but I had been reading all the posts on this forum since July 2010. I filed for my fiance in April but I didn't know half of what was to come. In July, his interview date was set for December 3 and I started to obsess about everything. I slept and woke up thinking how long Dec. 3 was and what to do fill the time and get ready and fortunately, I found this. It didn't stop the obsession, but I found something to fill the time and I learned A LOT about what was to come. To this, I wanna say a huge THANK YOU. Thank you to all the members and all the posts. I went through every post but I was afraid to become a member and start posting because it would be heart renching if he didn't get it. Thankfully, last Friday he was approved the visa. I actually came to Nigeria to be with him for the interview because that's how obsessed I was. I knew from the posts here that I won't be allowed him but that didn't stop me. And when I got to the embassy, I didn't even ask to be let in.

    He said the interview was pretty stressful, that they asked questions we didn't even practice, because I printed and emailed all the questions from the posts of people who had theirs. He's yet to tell me all the questions he was asked, but I promise to post them all as soon as he tells. He said he was asked the last time he saw me, and when he said I was outside, the white man interviewer said "wow!". So I guess I didn't take time off work and go in vain. He said he was asked how I paid for college, and since I had always complained to him about paying back my loans, he knew. That was the last and defining question according to him.

    He was approved the visa but till now, I still feel numb. I obsessed over it for so long, if he hadn't received it, there would have been a flood gate of emotions, but I'm most certainly thankful it was approved.

    A issue he said he could have had was the fact that I printed all the photos for evidence the same day. I wrote on the back of the pictures the dates and situations the pics were taken, but he said the guy kept asking how come they were all printed the same day. He said he then had to tell him I had all the pics on my laptop and had to verbally state the situations they were taken. He had to describe to the man that he was bigger in some pics than others and he was younger in some than others. We have been together for over 8 years so only a blind man would not see how we had physically changed.

    So once again thank you. I could write on till eternity but I'll probably wait till I get back to the US to write because I'm writing from my blackberry now.

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