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Status Updates posted by matt&tara

  1. 4 more days!!!

  2. 10 more days!!!

  3. Good to hear, Mari! Ya I'm working too! Gotta make money for the wedding! Go CANUCKS! HAHAHA!

  4. How are things progressing, Mari???

  5. 15 days til the interview....

  6. Hello new VJ friend

  7. Hey Mari! I got my interview date! It's June 22 at 10 am! Has Kadir got his yet???

  8. Got our interview date! June 22 at 10 am!!! Thank You, Lord!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mariye & Ky

      Mariye & Ky

      yeah!!!! Congratulations!!!!! You will be here before you know it! love ya, Mari

      PS: Kadir still on usaf base; due home tomorrow.

    3. Sunnyland


      Congratz again! All will go well! We received our Noa2 today! Just the day of my birthday , thats what makes it so unbelievebable! Good luck!

    4. W Mark and Carol

      W Mark and Carol

      Well done - and good luck! :-)

  9. Faxed our Packet 3 today! Now just waiting for our interview date!!!

    1. Tyeger87


      yay congrats and good luck

    2. Mariye & Ky

      Mariye & Ky

      Sheesh, our packet 3 is thick! No way I could fax that. How in the world did you manage that? lol

    3. matt&tara


      No just the check list lol, not the contents lol.

  10. Wish it was Tara and I getting married today instead of the Royals lol

  11. Hey Mari...how are things going post NOA2?? Did you get your packet yet from the NVC?? Tara still hasn't got hers yet...still waiting :) Well thinking about you guys!!

    Enjoy your day today!

  12. Thanks folks! All the best as you wait for your NOA2!

  13. Thanks so much!! God bless you both as you wait. Try and have patience, it's hard but helps!

  14. This place just isn't home without her...

    1. Mariye & Ky

      Mariye & Ky

      She'll be home before you know it!

  15. Apparently Mari thinks we look the same. I don't see it lol.

  16. Congratulations you two!! God bless you both!!!

  17. We bought our wedding bands today!

    1. Love2Love



  18. It did tell us that they recieved the application, but no touches. Also, it did update when we got our NOA2, the same day. Basically we got a text telling us to check the website and the website said we were approved.

    Matt out

  19. no we did not receive a single 'touch' :)

    i put that comment on our wall, and i wasn't sure if you saw it, so i thought i'd re-post it to your wall lol. i don't know how to use this website very well lol.

  20. Hey Mari and Kadir,

    Yes, we just got our text tonight! We got approved!! You two shouldn't be too far behind us! Praying for you two!

    Tara says hi :)

  21. Praise the Lord we are approved!!!

  22. I miss my girl...

  23. Wow! That is lucky! Well congratualations you two, all the best! Hope my fiance and I will have the same good fortune :)

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