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Status Updates posted by matt&tara

  1. 7 days til Tara becomes my wife!

  2. 10 days. I'm speechless.

  3. 20 DAY MARI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. 20 days people, 20!!!!!!!!!!

  5. hope you're enjoying your time together!!

  6. Congratulations from a fellow Canuck!!

  7. So when are you crossing the border, Jen???! I'm due to cross on September 6th! Cannot wait!

    1. JenandDon


      How's life in the USA? I just sent out my citizenship app :) Time flies!

  8. MIMI! SEAN! What's up!? How are things going over there?? Have you got your interview and medical scheduled yet??? Let me know :)

  9. alterations! woah mama! that's awesome! i want to see a pic of your dress! i'll show you mine!

  10. i know lol, i was just being funny lol. totally worked too, hahahaha!

  11. 28 more days!!!

    1. Sunnyland


      Congratulations for your visa! I read your comments about the interview, I loved your story. We will have our interview in 2 weeks and getting nervous. All the best for you.

    2. matt&tara


      Thank you! You are kind! I am glad that you like our story, heeheh. Don't be nervous! Just be confident and honest and it'll go smoothly! Remember, once you're approved...CELEBRATE!

  12. this time i'm creepily stalking your page....lol.

  13. OH WOW! YOU'RE APPROVED! Congratulations Jen and Don!!! All the best!!!!

  14. who's terry?? lol.

  15. 1 MONTH!!!!! Tomorrow will be considered less than a month!

  16. Awww, thanks Mari!!! We love ya too!!! How's Kadir's pops??

  17. 1 month and 1 week!!!!!

  18. Wow!! Great to hear the progress Jen and Don! Not long now! When's your interview??!?! You're gonna do great! Much love and blessings from your fellow Canadian!


  19. 1 month 2 weeks and 2 days!

  20. YOU GOT YOUR NOA2!!!!!! THAT'S SO AWESOME!!! Yes, if you have ANY questions just ask us and we'll be happy to help!! OOHHHHh that's so exciting!

  21. 1 month 3 weeks and 3 days!

  22. 1 month and 4 weeks to go!


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