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Posts posted by Sandyb

  1. Hello friends, well the day will soon be here when my daughter and her husband will leave Colombia in route to the US. :D ...everything happened so quick for them and without any glitches...yes we are thankful and blessed!!!!

    I'm just curious about the process once they arrive in the US at the port of entry what will take place and if you know of anyone that experience being denied at that point. I don't anticipate anything of that sort happening to them....just MY inquiring mind wants to know.

    Thanks so much for sharing...

  2. Hello gang....just wanted to say wooooohoooo :D my son-law passed his interview last week and should receive his Permanent Resident VISA this week...We are elated to say the least :thumbs:

    They have decided to move to the States therefore I am in the process of getting flights for them. The problem that I am having is that when I try to purchase 1-way tickets from Bogota to North Carolina but I get a pop-up message that says:

    "You have selected to fly one way internationally. Because you're traveling to another country, proof of return travel will be required at the airport."

    1-way flights are cheaper than R/T and cancelling the second leg of the flight. Can someone help me with this, because I would hate to purchase the tickets and they get there to depart and can't. What a BIG disappointment this would be. :help:

    Thanks in advance....

  3. Hello VJ friends,

    I've read the information regarding income for joint sponsor it mentions "means-tested benefits" and it gives a descpition as list below. It doesnot mention SSDI(disability)therefore my question is does it fall under that catergory of not being an allowable income or not? :help:

    Federal means-tested benefits currently include SSI (Supplemental Security income), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), food stamps, Medicaid, and State Child Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP). State and local means-tested benefits vary by jurisdiction. Earned benefits such as Social Security retirement, Unemployment Compensation, and Workman’s Compensation may be included as income.

  4. Thanks DT for the response. Well, glad to know that someone else is in the same boat as they are. The difficult thing is not having a case number and feeling left in the dark. They basically have all the paperwork needed for step number 2. They have all the translations, certificates, pictures, you name it. But they haven't received a call yet. The gentleman who attended to them, or rather who spoke with my daughter in English, told her that they needed to wait for a phone call. The embassy would call to the house and to her cell phone and then after that, they would send either via mail, e-mail or fax the required documents to the embassy. However, we're on week 3 and nothing. Now we'll be starting week 4 and we're not sure what to expect. The paper that they gave them with instructions said not to contact the embassy with questions. So, I guess we just sit here and wait. Please keep us posted on how things go with you all.

    Thanks again.

  5. Hello to all, I have a question for you all. My daughter, who is a US Citizen and resides in Bogotá with her Colombian husband went to the Embassy about 2 weeks ago and filed the the I-130 paperwork with the Consulate (DCF). After giving over the paperwork and speaking with a consulate official she was told that the papers were in order and everything looked good and that she only had to pay the $420 dollars and wait for a phone call with further instructions. She was given some papers indicating the next steps and that's it. Well, it's been 2 weeks and they haven't heard anything. She is trying to locate their file and check the status but she has no receipt number that includes the 3 letters. How does she get that? They have received no information from the embassy yet, no phone call or anything. The time frame that we've been seeing is 7-day approval but we are no going in to week 3. Any suggestions, or ideas?


  6. UPDATE: First I want to Thank all for your suggestions and directions...I am in daily contact with my daughter and she is feeling some better still having on going headaches and fatigue. Her & her husband have decided to wait until their 6mos of marriage Feb 2011, UNLESS she experience another episole. She has another doctor appointment next week and hopeful they will be able to tell her something. Also she is able to work from home on some days (a lot safer) where she can rest as needed, and they changed their traveling schedule so they travel together now, a little inconvience but it's working for now.

    It was suggested that they should apply for a CR-1, Would a DCF not be quicker and less expensive?

    I will keep you updated as time goes forward, again THANKS :yes:

    ***************As you can see Cherriness your reply as just a few minutes ahead of my reply....Thanks for your help and direction as we will start reviewing this information asap.

  7. UPDATE: First I want to Thank all for your suggestions and directions...I am in daily contact with my daughter and she is feeling some better still having on going headaches and fatigue. Her & her husband have decided to wait until their 6mos of marriage Feb 2011, UNLESS she experience another episole. She has another doctor appointment next week and hopeful they will be able to tell her something. Also she is able to work from home on some days (a lot safer) where she can rest as needed, and they changed their traveling schedule so they travel together now, a little inconvience but it's working for now.

    It was suggested that they should apply for a CR-1, Would a DCF not be quicker and less expensive?

    I will keep you updated as time goes forward, again THANKS :yes:

  8. If by chance the doctor is able to treat my daughter or her health improves so that she is able to travel or if I go there to care and be with her for the next few months until they reach their 6mos of being married (Feb 2011), which Visa should they considered to expedite things for her husband to come to the States.

    My daughter and her husband are both working and had always planned to live in Bogota' but now that her health is at risk he has been very understanding in accepting to come. His family lives in another town and is not able to assist them. My husband is a Colombian (40yrs USC) and his family is there in Bogota' but they are older and it would be a hardship on them as well. So we have to do what is best for her, which they both have come to grips with at this time. Which route should we take??...any suggestions??

    Thanks again...Sandyb

  9. Thanks each one for your thoughtfulness in your reply. :thumbs: To answer a few of the questions that came up from your reading my post...My daughter is in Bogota'. She has passed out twice while on the bus falling over people that were sitting but they were kind enough to help instead of hurt. This has happened twice within a 1 month period. The second time her husband took her to the hospital that night because she was still dizzy, had a bad headache and was very weak. The next day she went to her doctor that did blood work and she is soon to see a neurologist. So we do have documentation by her doctor of her illness.

    The reason she cannot travel alone is because we feel its unsafe, she continue to feel faint not knowing when she will pass out. She continue to have headaches and weakness. She was traveling to work but now she is doing some work from home but is exhausted during the day. Of course this is a scary situation for them both and for us as well. . So this is our delima.

    Thanks again for sharing your suggestions.

  10. Hello this is my first time..need your help. My daughter US citizen married colombia man Aug 7th 2010. They both are 26yrs old & first marriage and no children. They are happily married but my daughter has taken ill (not pregnant)needs to come home for care and support. Her husband has a passport but not have a visa to travel to the States. We know that her health is of most importance but she is unable to travel alone. What is the best way to handle this situation for them to come to America. I've tried to research this myself would a DCF be the best or is there a medical provision that we can look into. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Please help!!

    Thanks in advance for your help..

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