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Posts posted by Natureza

  1. The Rio Consulate loves to play games.

    I emailed them thursday and was told friday "We haven't gotten your case yet". I called the DOS # and they said, "Yes the consulate received your case just recently".

    Usually takes them around 10-15 days to issue an interview date (from what I noticed on other peoples timelines here).

    Either way, Rio likes to screw around and you have to just keep bothering them until you get the answers you are looking for.

    Thank you for this information...how odd that they would not give the right information on this unless they leave things sitting in piles there too... so then they don't scan your case into some kind of system the day it is received?

    I know they have a couple of emails listed on their website - which one did you find the most helpful using so far?

    visario@state.gov or immigrationrio@state.gov?

    Thank you in advance... I was so hoping that I would be able to go during my daughter's spring break so we could all be together during this process, but it looks like that is definitely not happening based on the timelines here.

  2. Hi, I started calling within 5 days of receiving our NOA2. When you call the NVC speak to an operator (#5). You will need to provide the Petitioners full name and date of birth and the Beneficiaries full name and date of birth and the NOA2 number. Ask if they have received your case from your service center yet? If they tell you YES then they will give you a new case Number, If they tell you they have'nt received it then you can call back everyday if you want to check on it. The automated system won't give you any information of receiving it or if it's left to the consulate. You must speak to an operator. Look at my signature to see our progress. Good Luck to you Both :)

    Thank you for that advise! I will do just that. Have a great weekend :-)

  3. Thank you for having a website where getting support and feedback from others is possible!

    I finally just received my NOA2 on March 30th (NOA1 dated September 21, 2010). I know I have to wait for a new case number from NVC at this point (average wait time?) and that I can call in about 2 weeks for that information if they haven't sent it already I believe...

    I am also curious about the current average wait time to receive an interview date at the consulate in Rio and if there is anyway to make this go as smoothly as possible... we used to be able to check but their new websites don't seem to have this function anymore.

    I would also like to know if any of you who have applied for this process in Rio have any specific suggestions on what is to follow... I am looking at flight costs/hotels etc. and I know the more lead time I have to make those arrangements the better deal I can possibly get for us. I plan on traveling with my fiancee and daughter so we can spend these last days in Brazil together with our family and friends there who won't be able to join us for the actual wedding.

    Thank you in advance for taking the time to reply!

  4. APPROVED!!! Just yesterday I was crying out of "saudades" for my fiancee... today I spilled tears of joy! I know its not over yet and that this is just the first milestone in the process ahead, but I have to share the good news!

    PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE... if anything I highly encourage you to be active with your case!

    If you are outside of "normal processing times" (which is about 6 months right now), contact USCIS, contact your senator, contact your congressman!

    Thank you to many of you who have helped me get through these days with your own messages of success - I hope this helps someone stay positive for another day too.

    I updated my timeline, but its not showing up yet for some reason...I will continue to do so along the way.

    Post Decision Activity

    On March 30, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

    For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

  5. CALL YOUR CONGRESS REPRESENTATIVES - I GOT THIS TODAY only a day after I spoke with my congresswoman about inquiring into my case!!!

    HOORAY!!!! Now on to waiting for the next stage.

    Post Decision Activity

    On March 30, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

    For approved applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include USCIS sending notification of the approved application/petition to the National Visa Center or the Department of State. For denied applications/petitions, post-decision activity may include the processing of an appeal and/or motions to reopen or reconsider and revocations.

  6. I would say to everyone that is trying to make sense out of the waiting times; it is just pointless. Consider that for reasons beyond explanation Vermont is not processing applications in order of which they were received at all. Every day that I hear of another application being approved that was submitted in October, November, December, even this same year... I want to be happy for people because they are obviously in similar situations, but instead I feel so angry because of the lack of transparency or seeming order of this whole process.

    My NOA1 was dated September 21st 2010. I was only allowed to file a service request this past Thursday by Officer Batista even though previously I was told that I could file either sooner or later simply based on the day I called or the person I spoke to at their 800 number so do not believe what you hear!! I was also told by Officer Batista that it would be up to another 21 days before I can expect to hear even a simple reply on that inquiry. I got fed up and called my congressman yesterday to look into it as well and I plan to call my senators today.

    Congrats to all of you who have already received your NOA2... the only thing that gives me any glimmer of hope at this point is seeing that there is some movement here no matter how slow or out of order... I only see about 1-2 approvals per day if that from Vermont on here... granted keep in mind that only a fraction of all applicants actually join visa journey.

    I really feel sorry for filers who are waiting even longer than we are... Life is so hard and short as it is... I hope I do not die before I get to kiss my fiancee again. Sorry, I really try to be positive as much as possible, but this is definitely not one of my better days.

  7. You mention an either/or choice of taking a job outside of your career path or going to school. You could do both. There are many folks, including this one, who work full time and study concurrently. Another option is to stay on your career path. Optimism begets opportunity. Many of those who have lost jobs and consider themselves 'unemployable' experience just that. We all win some and lose some, yet those who are tenacious always succeed.

    Will someone please clarify something for me? I know about the 125% above poverty income level but I had NO idea that you have to show net worth of 5 years of support in advance... please tell me this is not the case and that I read this incorrectly. I apologize if someone already answered this or if it is somewhere else on this site but I am asking this question in reference to the initial post because I am nearing the time for when I am sure to hear about approval too and I am hoping to learn in advance to avoid any problems due to the affidavit of support.

    Thank you in advance!


    Looks like there is no rhyme or reason here to the approvals... September is still waiting - this is some real BULL! But oh yeah, congrats to you few lottery winners who have seemed to jump the line of waiting an eternity. Guess that is what this is going to be like now.

    Even when I get approved, I will still be disgusted with this system and whoever it was that thought it was fair to make people jump through hoops just to be together in the US!

  9. I think they have already done this and will continue to do it. They just have to do the minimal to throw off the boss, this system is atrocious.

    Happy to hear about October petitions and of course the sprinkled in super fast approvals that seem to have gotten through in less than 3 months but HELLO... what about us SEPTEMBER FILERS or even prior to that? I have done much to be patient thus far but I just can't anymore because this is some real bullsh*t. I'm not going to wait another day to write yet another letter to my senator and congressman about this. It is unacceptable. There is obviously no rhyme, reason or order to this system which means it is NEITHER FAIR NOR JUST! If we don't make collective noise... no one will lift a finger faster even to pick their own noses.

    I SAY STARTING TOMORROW MORNING... everyone who is still pending and has been significantly passed over (outside the "NORMAL PROCESSING TIME" currently listed on the website) should write and/or call their government officials. AT MINIMUM, someone with authority will get sick of our complaints and hopefully light a fire under the asses of these VSC workers!

    As it is, this is such a ridiculous process as it is based on a corrupt system that will do anything just to make money including toy with the very lives of people in love! I WILL NOT SAY QUIET UNTIL I SEE ACTION AND I IMPLORE EACH OF YOU TO DO THE SAME!

  10. Correction: Most people wait over 5 months for an RFE. This guy got RFE'd after 6 weeks.

    Contacting your congressman/senators will never put your case in jeopardy.

    I agree... no amount of persistence can hurt and at minimum it will help give you something more to do to pass the time... I personally am trying to make sure I have everything ready for the next phase of the process to avoid the possibility of any additional delays.

    Thank you for that tidbit re: google earth... now if only they had realtime updates I might actually have one more thing to obsess about daily other than checking my case status on the USCIS website or looking on here for some hope that perhaps someone around my filing date (sept 22nd 2010) actually starts getting approved etc...

    On a good note... I put in a call today as the two weeks had passed from the last call as advised and got through to a Tier 2 officer who was nice enough to tell me that the new date of cases they are working on has been updated to: SEPT 11th. Which means cases on or around Sept 11th are now being worked on - (remember they update their system with a new date every 14th of the month). She was kind enough to tell me that I can call again in 11 days (random number) if I haven't heard anything at which point they will file a service request which as some of you already know means more waiting and possibly more requests... but I will stay hopeful and say that we are all doing this for the noblest of reasons... how is it that we prize ourselves on diversity and yet our country doesn't yet believe that we should be free to LOVE and marry whomever we chose and live with them here with rights the way we can almost anywhere else in the world.

    i'm starting a movement (one I'm sure that's been done before but hey its never too late to join the bandwagon): "V-Free LoVe" who's with me?

    On a side note, for those of us on here in love with a Brazilian, I read an amusing article the other day in one of the two major Brazilian publications here about how our governments are in talks to eliminate the visa requirements altogether. Let's hope that this does in fact happen and that perhaps people after us may not have to go through the same torturous process just to get married in our hometowns!

  11. Hi all- I'm in the same boat. Oct 1 NOA 1, so hoping it comes soon!! I think with the holidays and all the snow they are a bit behind.

    Yes, also I got the NOA1 Sept 22nd and my file shows no touches since October 4th. Its still showing initial review so I called my senator to inquire late last week - at least they got back to me right away! Let's see what happens! Waiting is perhaps the most tedious part of this whole process. Here is hoping that things will pick up at VSC soon! Good luck everyone!

  12. Please tell me that Vermont is not closing down... I'm at 5 months and 2 days and my friend who applied only a couple of weeks before me is already on her way to the interview with her fiancee. My case was received on September 22nd and never touched... I called the office and they said that its most likely a good sign that my case hasn't been touched and I should be receiving something "shortly". They also advised me to wait at least a week before calling again. I'm sorry because I know that some of you have been waiting even longer than me and I'm trying to be patient but I'm literally doing all that I can to distract myself and focus on everything else... but COME ON!!!! This is the most ridiculous process anyone has ever created. Why are we the only country that is founded on diversity but does not support marriage between other cultures in a timely and rational way. We need a movement people!!! Petition, rally or something... anyone else else in...why hasn't this happened yet?

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