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Posts posted by mlovelace

  1. Thanks for the replies, I've been doing some research and think maybe a community college is the way to go; they seem to be fine hiring people with MAs.

    Echomyst, Sixth Form is the final two years of high school in the UK, when you're 17/18 and taking 'A' levels. It's that stage between having to study everything at school and concentrating on one thing at university, when you've narrowed down your choices to three or four subjects you like. I did graduate with an EngLit degree, and I'm currently working as an assistant teacher at a school for emotionally disturbed boys (hard work!). I was lucky enough to have this job waiting for me, as it's a small friendly place and my husband works here as a lead teacher. It doesn't seem fair that a teaching certificate would become useless in the move from Canada to America! Good luck finding a job :) .

    Fran x

  2. Hello all,

    I've been married and living in the US now for a year, and I'm currently working at a temporary job before we move to another part of the country after the summer. My husband is going back to school to do his PhD and I'm trying to work out what my career will be too. If I were still in England, I think the perfect job for me would be working as an English Lit teacher in a Sixth Form, but I don't know what the equivalent of that would be here. I don't really want to work in a high school, although I would if that were the closest equivalent, and studying for a PhD to work in a University would be too time-consuming and expensive. Does anyone have any ideas? At the moment I have a good BA from a good Uni, and I'd love to have the excuse to do a Masters...

    Also I'd love to know of other forums that may be able to help with this.

    Hope someone can help,

    Fran x

  3. Hi,

    Just thought I'd share about our Emergency Advance Parole experience today. I heard on Saturday night that my uncle had passed away from a heart attack - a complete shock as he's only in his early 50s and seemed perfectly healthy. On top of this, my grandmother on that side of the family is very fragile, and I'm particularly concerned about how this news is affecting her. So, although I didn't hold out a great deal of hope (having gone through K-1 and now being in the middle of AOS waiting I've learnt to curb my optimism a bit...), I made an Infopass appointment for today at 2:30 to see if I could get the Emergency AP. And, despite it being the last available appointment of the day, we were approved with no fuss and without the strenuous interview I was anticipating. So now I have multiple trip advance parole for the year, and I'm so grateful to the sympathetic woman at the USCIS office! Wish it hadn't come about through such sad circumstances though :(

    Wish all of you the best of luck with your advance parole - I hate that we need it at all!

    Fran xxx

  4. Well, I got on the phone to the USCIS this morning and they said it shouldn't affect the AP, and that the AP applications from the end of Jan are currently being processed. So I'm hoping that if we get this sorted out immediately and they resume everything, it'll all be back on track by the time they reach our AP application (they received it early feb) and things will continue as normal...

    Fingers crossed!

  5. Yes, more than likely. Because the AP is linked to her "pending adjustment" status, any delay in the AOS usually causes one in EAD and AP processing also.

    Sorry :(

    Thanks for your answers, do you happen to know whether the delay would be the same as for the EAD (that is, the whole 90 days), or if the delay could be shorter? We're going to have a sponsor send in ample evidence asap, and so hopefully the delay in processing in general would only be a short one...

  6. My wife is applying for Adjustment of Status, a work certificate and advance parole. I received a request for further evidence today regarding my income and whether it exceeds the poverty line by 125%. It does, but that doesn't matter at the moment. What I'm worried about is that my wife and I have a wedding ceremony planned for June in England, and if this RFE delays the Advance Parole application too then we'll have to cancel the wedding (it's already been postponed once). I'm worried about this because the request form stated that she will not be able to work until 90 days after the further evidence has been received.

    So will this affect her Advance Parole application too?

    Please help. We just want to be able to tell people when this ceremony is going to actually happen.

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