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little immigrant

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  1. The name change during the naturalization is for when you want a complete name change (I added a middle name to my name, others use it to americanize their name). You can change your name to your married name at any point and don't need to wait for naturalization. You can start by going to the SSA office and request a new SSN card in your married name. Bring your marriage certificate as proof of name change. Then change your driver's license and from there you can update your name on bank accounts and other legal things. Good luck
  2. I wish you good luck on your journey!
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. I helped a friend the other day for her I-90 and her biometrics was waved because they still had the fingerprints and pictures on file. So yes, it can happen. It also only took 1.5 weeks to get the new Green card. Good luck
  4. File I-90 online and print out your extension letter directly from the Documents tab after payment. Good luck
  5. SLC usually schedules the oath one month after the interview
  6. No need to go to a cancelled interview. I hope you can apply again in the future.
  7. My husband was an overstay and we adjusted just fine. Get the application out ASAP
  8. @Crazy Cat has complied a bunch of stories over the years for a potential book.
  9. I had 7 surgeries in the course of the last 4 years and I've had nurses come to my home regularly. This is the way to go.
  10. Do not claim your non-US-citizen wife as a US citizen. She'll be barred for life. She can't vote either FYI She'll be a permanent resident. It is important to get the terminology right at DMV, place of employment etc
  11. I traveled with 3 months worth of medication plus a doctor's note and it all went well. TSA was very understanding.
  12. Since you visited her in December 2022, why don't you file another K1?
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