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  • Immigration Status
    K-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    Vermont Service Center
  • Country
    Dominican Republic

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  1. Got an Appointment! August 3rd.

    1. geannette john

      geannette john

      omg omg thank u lord im so happy for u :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Sannybel


      OMG.. COngratulations.... THaNKSA GOD.. cAN WE GET SOME MORE DETAILS.. Did you just call? Was an email or the package received? If you called what number did you use? Yayyyyyy.. Sorry about all the ???

    3. RMC2000


      I just called NVC a few minutes ago. They said a package was sent out today. I should also tell you that I had a congressional letter sent to the consulate, but I don't know if that made a difference. The letter was due to the fact that my dad has a very difficult form of cancer. But the woman at the congressman's office said that even when family is ill, they usually decline expedites at the consulate.

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