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OneLove <3

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Status Updates posted by OneLove <3

  1. PLEASE JOIN US ON TWITTER!! hashtag #K1Vermonters

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. jaz00mine


      that is the link to find our who your congress person is. you need the 5 digits of your zip plus the 4 additional for example mines is 10940-5320. let me know how it goes....google sample immigrations letters to congress person, or look for some here for an idea of what to write. hope it works out for you. Im praying for all of us, at least to have faith that it will all turn out great.....

    3. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      thank you for all the info!! I hope everything works out for all of us!!

    4. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      so I should put in a service request with USCIS already?

  2. i know i hope and i pray everything will go smooth as it seems so for CSC!! Good luck to you on your journey!! VSC better start approving October filers!!!!

  3. 9 more days to my 5 month mark!!!!! ahhhh this is insane..

    1. marklovetina


      4 days to go and goin 5 mons. of our noa1...

    2. Carol & Lenin

      Carol & Lenin

      did you ever get a "touch" in the process?

    3. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      yes i did on Nov. 5th, 2010.

  4. hi and welcome we have similar timelines!!! how are you holding up?

  5. Thanks for the add! and welcome to the waiting game lol

  6. thanks!! definitely insane lol

  7. hiiiii, good luck on your journey!!!

  8. a couple of wks left for the 5 month mark!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      cool!!!! good luck!!

    3. Lari & Jhona
    4. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      thanks! same to you and your fiance!

  9. congrats i sooo wish!!!!!! best of luck!!

  10. I am soo anxious waiting for this craziness to finally show me the light at the end of the tunnel lol i am hoping and praying we get our NOA2 by the 5 month mark, in terms of the interview it depends some people get it about 1 month before the interview date or 2 months before i dont know how they work it out. Some people get their interview date 1 month or so after NOA2 or 3 months after NOA2.

  11. omg yay!!! someone with the same NOA1 as me!! how are you getting through this painful ordeal?? im going nuts as it is lol, welcome to VJ!!

  12. bitting my nails, seen a couple of October filers fromVSC get their NOA2!!!!

    1. marklovetina


      yes a month to go for us.. hope they start approving oct. filers next mon. :)

    2. jaz00mine


      hey how you holding up? hope your good!!!

    3. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      hey im here going crazy already!!

  13. welcome to VJ!! Right now with Vermont Service Center approvals for petitions are taking minimum 5 months to 6 months

  14. congrats on your NOA2!!!

  15. update your timeline please!!

  16. congrats that was quick!!!

  17. ???!!!???

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Clown

      The Clown

      Thanks for yr posts yesterday ! today I was on my way to work and decided to give them a call and got a push on my Service Request ! it did helped ! Thanks and God Bless you, hope everything goes smooth in yr journey

    3. marklovetina


      hope next month will be our lucky month!!!! :D :D :D

    4. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      Thanks Nidia and congrats to you!!! @ Godsgift I sure hope that our month is definitely next!!!

  18. yes definitely will keep you posted our NOA1 dates are not that far apart let the waiting continue!

  19. yes will definitely keep you posted our dates are not so far apart, let the waiting continue!

  20. Happy Holidays to all!!!!!!! and let the New Year come on in!!!

    1. marklovetina


      and same to u too!!! we're getting near!!!

    2. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      thanks!!! yes i keep thinking 1 more month down!!

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