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Posts posted by Colin&Lori

  1. thanks for the reply and thanks for the covering letter :)

    now all I need is this question answered and that's the stress's off my mind (least for now lol)

    the DS-230 comes in 4 pages (first 2 pages part 1, next 2 part 2)

    now I know i have to fill everything out in part 1

    but do i not touch part 2 whatsoever? do you have to fill that out at the interview?

    or fill part 2 in as well and leave the signature at the end until the interview?

  2. wait never mind about any of that I found the website page with all the info finally lol :)

    so ignore all the previous questions :) (sorry if I wasted anyone's time when I was writing out this one if anyone has replied)

    but I do have another question :) lol

    the DS-230 comes in 4 pages (first 2 pages part 1, next 2 part 2)

    now I know i have to fill everything out in part 1

    but do i not touch part 2 whatsoever? like does part 2 do you have to fill that out at the interview?

    or fill part 2 in as well and leave the signature until the interview?

  3. ok I haven't had my packet 3 yet (but my fiancée phoned and they have our case at the London embassy)

    and am just wanting to send off these forms





    and finally the DS-2001

    1st question do I write on the DS-2001 my wedding date so they push my interview a bit ahead? so I wont miss it

    and 2nd question is the mailing address I send the documents to this one?

    24 Grosvenor Square

    London, W1A 1AE

    United Kingdom

    and lastly is there anything I have missed?

  4. *taken from Nick's Tips

    The Medical Exam

    Can be booked as soon as you know your LND number. Must be done before the interview.

    The Knightsbridge website is herehttp://www.visamedicals.info/us.asp Most people are scheduled at the Bentinck Mansions clinic. You should take your police report, immunization history, filled out questionnaire, and medical reports of any past or current illnesses including psychiatric. More from the Embassy:

    http://london.usembassy.gov/immigrant-visas/medical-examination.html .

    http://photos.state.gov/libraries/unitedkingdom/164203/cons-visa/iv_medical_letter.pdf This contains the USA Medical Questionnaire that you are to fill out and take to your exam. You have to answer the following questions.

    Have you ever been hospitalized (including psychiatric admission)?

    Have you ever had a disease of your heart or circulation?

    Have you ever had a disease of your lungs?

    Have you ever used tobacco?

    Have you ever had tuberculosis?

    Have you ever had a stroke, seizures or other neurological disorder?

    Do you have a major impairment in learning, intelligence, self-care, memory or communication?

    Have you ever had any mental disorder or depression?

    Have you ever misused or abused drugs?

    Have you ever had an addiction to or abused alcohol?

    Have you ever caused deliberate injury to yourself or others?

    Have you ever caused deliberate damage to property or had trouble with the law because of a mental condition, mental disorder or while under the influence of alcohol or drugs?

    Have you ever had any sexually transmitted disease?

    Have you ever had yaws, leprosy or malaria?

    Have you ever had diabetes mellitus or other endocrine disorder?

    Have you ever had a malignancy (cancer)?

    Have you ever had any kidney or liver disease?

    Do you have any visible disability (including loss of arms, legs or eyes)?

    Is any medical treatment (including surgery) pending or anticipated?

    Do you take any medication? (Please list all medications on a separate sheet)

    Are you pregnant? If the answer is yes, please provide evidence of pregnancy/copy of pregnancy test result. Date of last period:____ Expected delivery date: ____

    The doctor may want a report from your NHS doctor if you answer yes about any of the conditions above. Exception: smoking, pregnancy. They are basically seeking more information about the diseases/conditions. They will tell you to send them a medical report before they can complete the exam results. Save yourself some delays and take a report to your exam if you have any medical conditions. or take medications. They want to know full diagnosis, date, cured or ongoing, if it requires medication, etc. It’s a letter/report from the doctor, not copies of you records.


    Immunizations are not required to get the visa. BUT they will be required to adjust status so might as well get them taken care of (hopefully free) by NHS. Adults will need (within the last 10 years):

    MMR – Mumps, Measles, Rubella (if born in 1957 or later)

    Tdap or Td – Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (whooping cough)

    USCIS will okay your AOS if you get Td or Tdap or DT or DTP or DtaP. The difference is the strength of the immunization and the combination. D (big dose for diphtheria), d (little dose for diphtheria). The adult versions are Tdap and Td, but you may not be able to find those in the UK, so try for one of the others. Td is a booster without the pertussis (whooping cough) part. You’re ok with that one too.

    Varicella – chickenpox If you had chickenpox, you don’t need the shot. They take your word for it.

    Influenza – during flu season Oct 1 – Mar 31 for ages over 6 months. New rule in Nov. 2010, so it’s not just for over 50s anymore. If you will be mailing your AOS between April 31 and Sept 30 (not flu season), the flu shot will be excused by USCIS since they received it when it wasn’t required. If you mail AOS during flu season, but your visa exam wasn’t flu season, it will also be excused because it wasn’t required at the time of the medical exam.

  5. Nice pictures Redsnap. You look like a great Couple... We all has stress from this and VJ allows us to talk about serious conversations. I just Did'nt agree that a person going through the same process as ourselves decided to start something that is none of their business to begin with. Thats how I feel. It was a Uncalled for Post.

    It's called freedom of speech and my own personal opinion was not uncalled for whatsoever....

    and when was I discriminating against people with disabilities? seems you are quick to defend and eager to pick a fight and take it upon yourself as if it was a personally attack directed at you personally...

    to be honest if I was in the same boat I would at least learn the language before even thinking about going over but hey that's just me, am just quite lucky am not in that boat...

    am not discriminating anyone...the people with the language barrier have a CHANCE to learn the language...unfortunately the people with the disabilities you mentioned (which I have no idea how you managed to compare them both, have been born with this condition/or later in life got in which there can't reverse)

  6. exactly, I echo with what each of you's have said :)

    which is why it is one of the reasons I have brought this topic to light, I just seen some people bring others into America without the basic abilities of being able to speak English.

    not only will this have an effect of the type of job they can get but also limits them into the involvement of the extended community, which in turn could lead to them feeling isolated (which is the case in many of topics I have came across), and of course the effects it will have on the realtionship once it turns into fulltime living together.

  7. Not sure where to put this as I really couldn't find a suitable forum to place it into...

    am not wanting to start any wars or anybody to become angry at my post, its just my general observation and purely my own personal opinion (dons flame-proof vest)

    I have read quite a few times about people getting together and having a massive Language Barrier e.g either one or both not knowing each other's Language or very poorly.

    but I have always thought that one of the main points of a relationship being successful was communication....yeah there may have fallen in love but how can you truly love/get to know a person if you can't communicate with said person or communicate on a very basic level?

    now this is me going O/T (slightly) from want I was saying before but wouldn't it make sense to a degree they introduced a requirement to speak, read and write English? (more so based on becoming a public liability and the ability to get a job)

    I mean isn't it only out of respect to learn the country you are going to, to have the ability to speak they native tongue?

    I mean if I was going to France to live I would take it upon myself to learn their language to the point where I can speak, read and write to an appropriate and understandable degree.

    am sorry if this post angers anyone (but I know people will disagree, but hey that's life everyone has a opinion otherwise life would be boring right? :) )

    Like I said to round things off would like to hear your views on the subject but not to a point where people are just going to argue

    (to the mods if this thread goes off the rails please delete and this is something I don't want)

  8. was the same as you..had a few pieces here and there of my hometimes and the entire K1 file...

    inbetween the NOA1 and NOA2 as well :)

    POE Minnesota St. Paul

    to be honest was very easy for me

    Him: Hi

    Me: Hello

    Him: Asks me the reason for visiting

    Me: To visit my Fiancee for 3 weeks

    Him: ok then do you have a job

    Me: Yes working as a data protection officer

    Him: ok

    then after that just the general chitchat when everything on his end was getting sorted :)

    like i said very very easy experience and all that worry i had was not needed lol :)

  9. Hopefully, you can still have this understanding attitude towards USCIS and its adjudicators in 5 months from now if you are still waiting on NOA2...

    lol glady :) you see I knew there was going to be a 5 month wait so am prepared for it and will still have this understanding even after 5 months

    the way i also see it is this waiting period is null and void as opposed to the amount of time you will spend with your love one :)

  10. We have the good fortune to live very close to VSC and have several friends and acquaitances that work there (big employer in this area). They are just regular people. They process lots of paperwork, much more than K-1s and I-130s. They process what they are assigned. There really is nothing more to it than that. They come to work, sit in their cubes and chew through petitions for 10 hours and then go home. They typically do 20-24 per day, each. One of our friends that works there is a Russian woman that came here as a K-1 and is now a citizen.

    There is no mystery or secret to it. If anyone ever worked in an office that processes applications, insurance claims, etc...it is the same.

    exactly :) work in similar conditions so I can relate to these people myself :)

  11. The ultimate convern for me is getting approved after the whole wait, and later being issued a visa would make the whole wait worth it!

    yeah same with me i knew all about the 5 month wait so am prepared to wait that long (yes i would like it shorter :))

    but that's what me and Lori are concerned about the most after all this wait money spent ect...the fear of not getting approved everything else i can handle...because i know after this wait i can spend a lifetime with her and makes it all worth it :)

    oh and to YGR i suggest YOU read some of the past posts in this Forum because YES there have been insults directed at the people who process our cases

    please get off your high horse and direct your resentment of waiting so long else where :)

  12. For me, it has NOTHING to do with the people processing the work but everything to do with our files sitting in storage for months. And, when a backlog hits some people take longer to be processed yet we all pay the same amount of money. Why should some be processed in two months and other five or six months yet pay the same fee? Is that fair? No. I don't doubt the people are working hard but there is the law of supply and demand. When the demand is high then increase your number of workers and vice-versa.

    might not be able to increase the number of workers due to a company budget (although am very sure there would have money set aside for moments like these to hire tempory staffing) which is what we did to clear our backlog but then that comes the process and training these said people to get upto speed with the work that there will do

    i do understand where your coming from :) and me myself would LOVE to see a decrease in the time of having to wait :)

    although i wasn't shoving everyone into the same boat and saying that ALL users think this

  13. Most Americans (including myself) aren't sharp enough to pick up on regional accents from the UK,

    but if you're from the UK they will most likely say English or British.

    The British-derived accent that I mostly fail to identify correctly is probably South African.

    I can't for the world distinguish between Aussies & Kiwis.

    I know which is very understandable :) because am sure I would fail to identify the state an American was from by there accent :) (although am sure i could get a few correct lol)

    it doesn't bother me though :) I don't mind getting mistaken for Scottish or Irish :) but I will correct them and say am from Newcastle :)

  14. I know a lot of what is said about the people who process our cases is in jest or the heat of the moment because of the amount of time our cases are taken...

    but before you start complaining and calling them lazy and all names under the sun :) am sure there are doing there best to try and get through our cases and there work...(well maybe apart from a few bad apples)

    at the moment i work for the CSA (child support agency) in the UK and a Data Protection Officer...which when a client wants all there information there come to us and we send out everything we hold on them bar 3rd party infomation...

    now from the date of when we get the request in our office we have 40 days to supply our customers with there information....now a while back there was a great influx of work and because we were short manned we were not meeting the deadlines...but we were trying our best to get the information processed and sent out...

    (we are now all caught up with work may i add lol)

    but before you start posting OMG NOA2 IS TAKEN AGES (and I know sometimes its just to vent and its always nice to vent every now and again) but all am trying to say is please bear in mind that these people (hopefully lol) are doing all there can to process our cases as fast as there can :)

    maybe we could have a sticky at the top of this page where users can go to vent and let off a bit steam?

  15. well haven't been mistaken yet..since the two and a half weeks i was over there all her friends knew where i was from...

    am from Newcastle so i have a Geordie Accent

    but loads of Americans on xbox live (yes am a gamer lol) always think am either Scottish or Irish lol :)

    will make sure to post an update on here when i finally move over and people have had a chance for my accent to be exposed :)

    quite shy so don't really talk to people in public until i get to know them :)

  16. I emailed you the translation. She is regreting a lot of things, missing her family, and missing her boyfriend. Her boyfriend also makes her sound like a nympho, but she's denying you so it must be just you that she doesn't like. Ditch her.

    ahhhhh :) thought it would be like this...just thought I would give her at least a chance :)

    nevermind what I said ditch her she's a ####### :)

  17. ok i usually get really mad at these type of posts about how someone could do something like this to a person....

    but i would get them chat logs sorted out first before you try and do anything...now i haven't seen them so i don't know to a degree how flirty there seem (e.g you picking out a few English words and flying to assumptions)

    not trying to defend the person....but from what you said about how she misses her country...what if she is talking to her friend....it could be something along the lines of "i want to go home but i love him so much"

    actually nevermind... you kept picking out "I love you" didnt you? and not "I love him"?

    in that case ditch her ####### and send her back home....but make sure to get those chat logs sorted out to find the level of intent of fraud

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