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Posts posted by Colin&Lori

  1. Most likely a stab in the dark :) but is their any other couples here who have made it and are in Minnesota?

    Been here for about 2 and a half years now and it's hard to make friends

    Was wondering of anyone would be willing to meet up

  2. yeah wrote one :) may not be the best but didn't go into much detail as most of the other ones before that have pretty much decribed everything it detail :)

    mostly just wrote about the wait time and my experience about it all :)

  3. oh and I also want to give a special thanks to Nich-Nick for her amazing guide :) and answering my questions :) (even though all the answers were in the guide I just wanted to make sure lol)

    you have made my part of this progess that whole lot smoother and stress-free then what it could have been :) Thanks *hugs*

  4. had my interview on the 27th of June and got approved :)

    amazing feeling to hear those words like :)

    Got Lori coming across here in July for my sisters wedding :) then she will be going home

    staying here for my last paycheck and to close my bank account down and all the usual stuff :) then I will joining her in Minnesota :):):)

    cant wait :)

  5. not sure how up to date it is...hasn't been updated in a while and the people already on there could be inactive members but worth a check at there profiles (the thread is on page 3 and is called Brits in the USA


    pj1959us (hubby David)---central Illinois

    Luv2teach77 (And her handsome british Husband ) - Trenton, Southwest Illinois

    (Near Missouri border)

    JJM8081(British fiance Joe)--Chicago suburbs

    poppy33usa - just on the illinois side of the illinois/missouri border in the st louis metro area

    jpkeswim - Southwest, Illinois near St. Louis Missouri

    Crisscat - (Sharri & Neil ) Southern IL 65 miles southeast of St Louis MO and not far from alot of you here in IL LOL

    Yorkie - Chicago, Illinois

    Frances (Yorkshire hubster, VJ username falcozappa) - Chicago

    Circus-of-Power(Paul and Catherine) Central IL

    morning75-Jim(Somerset, UK) and Amy-Hopedale, Illinois


    Annelizabeth - Southern Indiana

    Andy(uk) Patricia - Near Indy, Indiana

    Baileyj - Southwest Indiana

  6. so I made it to about page 10ish before I give up :)

    are people seriously agruing over which country has the hotest/best in bed/whatever else men?

    if so then LOL

    every Country has Ups and Downs

    doesnt boil down to the country it boils down to the man

    some prefer German...some prefer American (but it doesnt mean because of one man that the country is better then another one because of this)

    I have Tats, (sorry shaven head and no beard lol) piercings and just as you find your men amazing in bed so does my better half (well soon to be lol) does that make England to have the best men in the world?

    of course not am just one person and would be stupid to base the entire country off just one person :)

    sorry if I missed the point or in fact that this has nothing to do with anything but only made it to page 10 lol

  7. That's why I got Lori to phone for checking up for me :) (plus it's a cheaper line)

    anyway's ours wasn't so bad...she only had to phone up twice...the second time they said they were putting her through to a supervisor straight away (in which she started to panic lol) but then he came out with the interview date :) 27th of June :)

  8. usually there are two maps A and B

    I beleive back in the day people either got referred to have there medical done at A or B (correct me if am wrong on this)

    But Map B is the only place that they assign medicals too now :)

    4 Bentinck Mansions. Bentinck Street London. W1U 2ER

    that is the Address First House on the street BIG brown doors can't miss it :)

    plus its about 5 mins walk away from the London Embassy as well :)

    hope I have cleared things up somewhat and not have made them worse lol

  9. Been in the same boat

    Sent off my packet 3 ages ago (well not ages but everything seems like it's taken ages in this proces lol), had my medical done on the 13th of May.

    My fiancee phoned DOS on the Friday 20th May saying nothing has been received which I began to panic because surely my Packet 3 would have arrived already....

    anyways she phoned today and told her received my Packet 3 and medical and my interview should heopfully be posted out soon

    HAPPY :):):)

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