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EAbbas last won the day on September 11 2015

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About EAbbas

  • Birthday September 26

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    Charlotte, NC

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  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa
  • Place benefits filed at
    California Service Center
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  1. daughter doing a little better with the meds to reduce swelling in her head but awoke this morning wish such pain she cant even stand up... we were told to keep watching her for vision changes and vomiting.. just praying we can get the swelling down before any operation has to be done.. Inshallah she will be fine soon!

    1. ssb1987


      even being a man i do,nt have courge to see my kid in such kind of sitution you r such a brave lady butt allah is with you u will come out of this situation very soon inshallah happines is just on about your door step allah may u live long

    2. EAbbas


      Inshallah and thank you for the kind and understanding words

    3. EAbbas


      LOL thanks Mim..... idk when we will see the end to AP but all I know is nothing will come between us and our marriage will remain strong... AP is just an obstacle that will be gone soon... Inshallah

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